You wear short clothes in front of him

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The sun was shining brightly as you and Bakugou walked hand-in-hand through the park. You were wearing a pair of short shorts and a tank top, and Bakugou couldn't help but steal glances at you.

"You look really hot in that outfit," he said, his voice gruff but his eyes sparkling with admiration.

You blushed, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "Thanks, Katsuki," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.

You and Bakugou continued walking, but you could feel his gaze on you the whole time. It made you feel nervous, but also excited.

After a while, you sat down on a bench to rest. Bakugou sat down next to you, and you could feel his arm brush against yours. You looked up at him, and he was staring at you with a look in his eyes that made your heart flutter.

"What's wrong?" you asked.

"Nothing," he said, but his voice was thick with emotion.

He leaned in closer, and you closed your eyes, expecting a kiss. But instead, he whispered in your ear, "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

Your heart skipped a beat. You opened your eyes and looked at him, and you could see that he was being completely sincere.

"I love you, Katsuki," you said, your voice filled with emotion.

He smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile that made your heart melt. "I love you too, [Y/N]," he said, and then he leaned in and kissed you.

The kiss was passionate and fiery, and it made you feel dizzy with excitement. You knew that you would never forget this moment.

When the kiss was over, Bakugou pulled you close and held you tight. You rested your head on his chest, and you could hear his heartbeat pounding against your ribs.

"I'm so glad I'm with you," you said.

"Me too," he said, and he kissed your forehead.

You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company. The sun was starting to set, and the sky was filled with colors of orange, pink, and purple.

"This is perfect," you said.

"Yeah, it is," Bakugou agreed.

You leaned in and kissed him again, and you knew that this was just the beginning of a perfect day.

The rest of the day continued just as perfectly. You and Bakugou strolled through the park, hand-in-hand, laughing and talking about everything and nothing. You shared a delicious ice cream cone, and then you sat down on a bench to watch the sunset.

The sky was ablaze with color, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. Bakugou pulled you closer, and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"I'm so lucky to have you," he said, his voice soft and tender.

You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "I'm lucky to have you too, Katsuki," you said.

You leaned in and kissed him, and the world around you faded away. It was just you and Bakugou, lost in each other's embrace.

When the sun had finally set, you and Bakugou walked back home, your hearts filled with love and happiness. You knew that you would never forget this perfect day.

As you and Bakugou walked home, the warmth of the setting sun still lingering in the air, you couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. The day had been filled with laughter, shared moments, and stolen kisses, and you felt more connected to Bakugou than ever before. With a playful grin, you decided to have a little fun.

You suggested stopping by a clothing store you'd always wanted to check out, and Bakugou, ever the accommodating boyfriend, agreed. As you browsed through the racks of trendy outfits, your eyes fell upon a particularly eye-catching ensemble – a tight-fitting crop top and a pair of high-waisted shorts. A mischievous idea sparked in your mind.

With a sly smile, you grabbed the outfit and headed to the fitting room. Bakugou watched you with a curious expression, his eyes following your every move. As you emerged from the fitting room, you struck a pose, twirling playfully in front of him.

Bakugou's jaw dropped, his usual gruff expression replaced by a mixture of surprise and admiration. His eyes scanned your figure, taking in the way the crop top accentuated your curves and the shorts showcased your long, slender legs.

"Wow," he finally managed to utter, his voice husky.

You couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. "Do you like it?" you asked, batting your eyelashes playfully.

Bakugou cleared his throat, his cheeks flushing a faint shade of red. "Yeah, it looks... great," he admitted, his voice laced with a hint of shyness.

You couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. It was always fun to see Bakugou flustered, and this outfit had definitely done the trick. You knew that he would never admit it out loud, but you could tell that he found you incredibly attractive in that outfit.

As you and Bakugou left the store, hand-in-hand, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The day had been filled with laughter, love, and a little bit of teasing, and you knew that this was just the beginning of many more perfect days to come.

You and Bakugou continued your walk home, the sun's warmth gradually fading into the cool embrace of the evening air. The playful banter between you lingered, punctuated by comfortable silences that spoke volumes about your deepening connection.

Reaching your apartment, you invited Bakugou inside, and he accepted without hesitation. As you settled into your cozy living room, you couldn't help but notice Bakugou's gaze lingering on you. His usual explosive energy was replaced by a quiet attentiveness, and you found yourself enjoying his subdued demeanor.

The conversation flowed effortlessly, covering everything from your day's adventures to your hopes and dreams for the future. Bakugou's gruff exterior melted away, revealing a thoughtful and caring side you had always admired.

As the night deepened, you suggested ordering takeout, and Bakugou readily agreed. While you wait for the food to arrive, you put on a movie, its soft glow casting a warm light over the room.

Cuddling up on the couch with Bakugou by your side, you felt a sense of contentment wash over you. The day had been filled with laughter, love, and a touch of mischief, and you knew that this was just the beginning of many more perfect days to come.

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