You wake up with cat ears

Written by me and all copyrights reserved


Wriothesley was not counting on waking up to you screaming early in the morning, but it was not something he ever had to count on, so it was not exactly a fault of his when he woke up, found you staring in front of the mirror. But then he found out why exactly you were screaming.

There were ears on top of your head. Ears. Random ears that had no justification of being present.

Cat ears. "Sweetheart, can you please explain to me what's going on?" 

"I don't even know, Wriothesley. Do you see this? The ears that I have? Oh lord, so it was not just my imagination."

Wriothesley had to clear his throat, looking rather nervous. "I'd say it's not only ears that you have to worry about, but there is a tail as well." 

"There is a what?" 

"Just calm down, calm down and we'll try to sort out what's going on, okay?" He says.

And you find yourself agreeing. But you look like you're freaking out. So he just wraps his arms around you, pulls you into his arms and kisses you sweetly.

"You'll be fine. You can trust me on that. Anyway, did you suspect this would happen at all?" 

"No. Who would suspect something like that?" 

"You're right. That's kind of not the best question." Let's say if you were struggling to find out why this would happen at all, but then, you eventually gave up, both you and him, and he just settled with trying to comfort you in a way that seemed plausible and possible.

"Look Y/N, you'll be fine. It will go away and soon, soon it will probably be normal, if it stays. But let's act like it's not a big deal. I don't like seeing you freak out like that. Besides, it won't change who you are. It's even a cute addition, if you'll let me say that."

"I guess I will. But would you prove it to me? Do you really like them? At least that would be one positive thing about having cat ears." He nods, looking a little bit amused.

"Yes, I do like them. I could be a little bit biased because I would like anything on you, RY/N, but it is true. You look rather adorable, charming even", he said, and you found yourself blushing, smiling softly as he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, and then, before you knew it, he was rubbing the back of your ear with his hand, and that's when you discovered that not only did you have the physical features of a cat, you were purring too.

When he did that, you were very embarrassed, your cheeks going bright red as you tried to push him away, but Wriothesley just laughed, holding you close to him, his grip on you inescapable as he just kept rubbing the back of your ears, making you purr a lot more. It was a rather amusing morning, and a curious one as well. He had no idea what sort of events got you to this point, but it certainly was not the first thing to happen, and he was rather curious to see where it will all end.


Lyney was actually rather surprised, and staring at you in pure shock, nothing less and nothing more. Maybe a little bit more. It was a little bit normal to be more than shocked about something like this.

"Well, um, it's at least cute." 

"Lyney, you know that's not the issue. That's not what I need right now."

He apologizes, but he does not know what is an appropriate response to waking up and finding that your partner has cat ears in the morning, for no absolute reason. What was an appropriate response to that? Teyvat was a strange world, but he has never seen such a thing, and it's not like you have origins that would make you have cat ears for any given reason. You were a normal human, so what would make this occur and happen? He had no idea, and the only way that he could get a clue was maybe ask his Father or someone who works with her.

So for now, he just knew to comfort you. "It'll be alright, Y/N. But I really mean it. It doesn't make you look bad, and surely if it's not so bad, then it'll go away. I'm sure of it. I'll even ask around and try to find a way to make it go. But for now, I just need you to calm down. It'll be fine, I can promise you that."

"Really? Are you sure everything will be fine?" 

"I am quite sure, Y/N. Now just calm down, and I'll go and make you a drink, alright? You just need to relax. Everything will be fine." He said, and you were more than relieved to hear that.

He knew that you were being a little bit panicked about this, but it was not like it was something that anyone would expect. So you just sat down, and hoped that you would be able to calm down by the time when he was back. And when he came back, he had given you something to drink and calm you down, and then wrapped his arms around you.

But you couldn't help but look at the adoration in his eyes. You did look quite adorable, and it was not something that you could lie about. "You know, Y/N, it's not truly as bad as you make it out to be. I think it's rather... rather cute, really. I know it's not helping, but it is the truth."

"Well, I suppose I'm not so angry about that anymore. I am cute to you, so of course I am bound to be cute even with cat ears." You say, blushing as you said that was false confidence, while he laughed softly. 

"Exactly, darling. Now, if you will allow me, may I touch your ears? I'm rather curious about them." You find yourself blushing, rather hesitant, but you just nod in the end, deciding that it was not so bad for him to touch your ears. 

And once he does, you can't tell the blush that's on your cheeks, but you find yourself smiling as he leans in, pressing a soft kiss on the top of your head, right between your cat ears.

And you realize maybe if he finds them so adorable, then truly they couldn't be all that bad in the end. They seem to have some perks, for sure. So, even if you could only have them for a couple of days, it certainly did not seem to be a bad trade-off, with all the attention that Lyney seemed to be willing to give you.

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