They see a huge bruise on your stomach

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

As you peacefully slumbered in your shared bed, Kirishima's worried gaze fell upon the bruise adorning your stomach. Concern etched deep lines into his face, and he knew he had to inform Bakugou about it. Gently untangling himself from your embrace, he quickly made his way to find his explosive-tempered boyfriend.

Bakugou was in the living room, engrossed in a training program on the television. Kirishima hurriedly approached him, his expression filled with urgency.

"Bakugou, wake up!" Kirishima exclaimed, shaking the blonde's shoulder gently.

Bakugou's eyes shot open, and he shot up from his seat, his hands instinctively reaching for his explosions. "What the hell, Kirishima? Why are you waking me up?"

Kirishima took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. "Y/N... Y/N has a big bruise on their stomach. I don't know how it got there, but I'm worried. We need to check on them."

The concern in Kirishima's voice instantly caught Bakugou's attention. His crimson eyes widened, and he followed Kirishima without hesitation, his mind filled with thoughts of protecting you.

As the two of them entered the bedroom, they found you still asleep, your face peaceful. Kirishima motioned towards your stomach, and Bakugou's gaze zeroed in on the bruise. His fists clenched involuntarily, a storm brewing within him.

"Who the hell did this?" Bakugou growled, his voice dripping with fury.

Kirishima placed a calming hand on Bakugou's shoulder, aware of the intense rage radiating from his partner. "We don't know yet, Bakugou. Let's focus on Y/N first."

Bakugou took a deep breath, fighting to rein in his anger. He understood Kirishima's words and knew that losing control wouldn't help the situation. With a determined expression, he approached the bed and sat down, his eyes locked on your face.

Gently, Bakugou brushed a few strands of hair away from your forehead, his touch careful and loving. "Y/N, wake up," he whispered softly.

You stirred at his voice, gradually opening your eyes to meet the concerned gazes of your partners. Confusion clouded your features, and you sat up, noticing the tension in the room.

"What's going on?" you asked, your voice laced with sleepiness.

Kirishima's worry softened into a gentle smile, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek. "Y/N, We found the bruise on your stomach. And we're concerned. How did it happen?"

You furrowed your brow, trying to recall the events leading up to the bruise. As the fog of sleep lifted, the memory of the incident resurfaced in your mind. A pained expression crossed your face as you recounted the encounter with a bully earlier that day.

"I remember now," you said, your voice tinged with a mixture of anger and frustration. "There was a bully at school. They cornered me in the hallway and... they hit me. That's how I got the bruise."

Kirishima's grip on your hand tightened, his protective instincts kicking in. His voice was filled with determination. "Y/N, we won't let them get away with this. We'll make sure they face the consequences."

Bakugou's eyes blazed with fury, his voice low and dangerous. "Tell me who it was. I'll make them regret ever laying a finger on you."

You could see the anger simmering just beneath Bakugou's surface, his unwavering loyalty to you fueling his desire for justice. However, you placed a calming hand on his arm, your voice firm yet gentle.

"Bakugou, I appreciate your protectiveness, but violence won't solve anything," you said, meeting his gaze with a determined look of your own. "Let's handle this the right way, through the proper channels. We'll report the incident to the school, and they'll take the necessary action."

Bakugou's grip relaxed slightly, his eyes still blazing with anger but also with a newfound understanding. He nodded, acknowledging your words, knowing that you were right. He would respect your decision and support you in seeking justice through the appropriate channels.

Kirishima, ever the voice of reason, added his support to your plan. "Y/N is right, Bakugou. We need to trust the system and allow it to take its course. Our priority is ensuring Y/N's safety and making sure this doesn't happen again."

Bakugou's jaw clenched, but he nodded, his fiery determination now redirected towards supporting you and seeking a resolution within the confines of the school's disciplinary system.

Bakugou's jaw clenched, his fiery determination now focused on supporting you and ensuring your safety. While violence wasn't the solution, he couldn't stand idly by, knowing that someone had harmed you. With a determined expression, he nodded, a new resolve gleaming in his eyes.

"You're right, Y/N. Violence won't solve anything," Bakugou stated firmly, his voice carrying a warning edge. "But I'll make damn sure that they understand the consequences if they ever lay a finger on you again."

You appreciated Bakugou's protective instincts and his desire to defend you. Kirishima, sensing the tension, placed a hand on Bakugou's shoulder, offering silent support and a reminder to keep his temper in check.

In the following days, as the school conducted its investigation, Bakugou discreetly made his presence known to the bully, ensuring they understood the weight of his words. It was subtle but effective—intense glares, a few choice words, and a reputation that preceded him. Bakugou's reputation as a formidable hero-in-training was well-known, and it sent a clear message to anyone who dared to mess with you.

Word quickly spread throughout the school about Bakugou's protective stance, and soon enough, the bully found themselves isolated and faced with disapproval from their peers. They realized that crossing paths with you had consequences beyond the physical bruise they had inflicted.

During this time, you focused on healing both physically and emotionally, with Kirishima and Bakugou providing unwavering support. They made sure you felt safe and cherished, reminding you daily that you were loved and that they were there for you no matter what.

As the days turned into weeks, the bully's actions ceased entirely. The weight of their actions, coupled with Bakugou's unwavering presence, had made it clear that targeting you was a grave mistake.

While justice was served through the school's disciplinary process, it was the bond and commitment between the three of you that truly brought closure and healing. You found solace in the love and protection your partners provided, knowing that they were always by your side.

With time, the bruise on your stomach healed, serving as a reminder of your strength and resilience as a trio. Together, you faced adversity head-on, and through your unity, you emerged stronger than ever before.

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