Written by me and all copyrights reserved

Neuvillette was very respectful and often wary of not crossing anyone's boundaries. That was something he was very careful not to do. After all, far be it from the Iudex of Fontaine, to do something like this, such a silly mistake was beneath him.

And yet, perhaps even he had let down his guard, and became careless enough to do a mistake such as this. He didn't mean to open the door, and witness you inside, but he had not known that you were within the bathroom. Had he known, it would have been an entirely different story, but alas, he did not.

And that's how he came to have seen you in such a state. At first, he was rather surprised to say the least, of course he would be. It is a sight to witness, and also an embarrassing mistake.

"Oh, I, I simply..." 

"Neuvillette, please, just look away!" You tell him, and he apologizes, turning around and giving his back to you. 

"There, is that better now? 

"It is. Now may I ask you one question? Why are you here, and why aren't you leaving?" You ask him, and he hesitates for a moment, but then, he just answers honestly. 

"I was rather caught off guard by what I saw, that is all, and I only stayed to apologize, and try to explain my point. Perhaps I underestimated how offensive it would be for you, even though we are a couple. I know some humans are okay with that, but it appears you're not one of those, which is fine by all standards. I am truly and deeply sorry, darling, and as to why I came here in the first place, I just wanted to go to the bathroom, and maybe bathe, but perhaps I shall wait then. As for you, you are free to take your time. I shall stop occupying it now." He says, gesturing at you and the bathroom, and the fact that he's wasting your time and wasting space as well by being here. And before you know it, the Hydro Dragon has left the bathroom, and you are standing alone, continuing what you were meant to.

And although so many thoughts are in your head, none of them include being angry with him or upset in any way. You know that Neuvillette was being fully honest with you, and he would never lie to you in any manner. So, being mad at him is beyond you, because you do not understand how you could be mad at someone who was being so genuine, especially when he already apologized, and you were quite sure that he had no ill intentions whatsoever, and no harm befell either of you.

So, anger or any kind of upset over such a pointless little situation, it felt a little bit of an overreaction, truly, which is why you did not consider it very reasonable to react in that manner. And as such, you found yourself looking at Neuvillette once you got out, and he was sitting alone, a little bit confused perhaps, and there was shame on his face as well, and in the way he looked at you and talked to you. And as you sat next to him, you could only wonder why he was being so serious about this.

Perhaps he had taken your words a little bit too much to heart, which was not really the point here. "Neuvillette, please, would you look at me for a moment?" You ask him, and although he seems rather hesitant, he does so in the end, tilting his head. "What is it,Y/N? I… I already tried… not to bother you. Are you still upset with me?" 

"No, Neuvillette, you know that's not the case. I just… I really did not mean to make you sad, I promise. I didn't mean to scold you. It is truly not such a serious matter. Perhaps I got unreasonably angry, but I… I really want to right my wrongs. If you will let me, of course."

You tell him, and he seems rather interested in that, wrapping his arms around you and nodding. And soon, you begin to share with him the truth. And before you know it, there is… Well, he's just a little bit less anxious, really, that's all.

But he looks at you, and you can tell he's still embarrassed by the blush on his cheeks. "Neuvillette, please. It's fine, and I most likely will not remember it anyway, so there is nothing for you to worry about, okay?" You tell him, but he very much doubts that you could easily forget something like this. Regardless of his own feelings, though. He just nodded, and waited, until you felt comfortable and he was cuddling you in his arms.

 He wanted more of you, as always, and he felt a little bit uncomfortable with himself after the accident, but it was a relief that he did not seem to be upset, and to know that you did not think he was perverted or did this on purpose, because it truly was not the case. He never meant to actually walk in on you while you were showering, and he's truly sorry for it.

But by now, you already know that much, and you're not truly mad at Neuvillette. After all, he makes it very difficult for anyone to be seriously mad at him, considering how kind he is, and how earnest he may be. So as you give him a kiss on the cheek, and continue cuddling into his lap, he feels like he's truly won.

He's apologized, and now the two of you are getting a very well-deserved break, and staying with each other, with him being able to spoil you and feel loved by you all the same, and that little accident this morning surely did not stand in your way.

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