A girl crushing on bakugou pushes you

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

As you descended the staircase of U.A. High School, your thoughts were filled with the pleasant memories of the day spent with Bakugou and Kirishima. The laughter and camaraderie echoed in your mind, making you smile. However, your peaceful reverie was abruptly shattered when a sudden force pushed against your back. You stumbled forward, desperately trying to regain your balance, but it was futile. Your body twisted in mid-air as you tumbled down the remaining steps, each impact sending waves of pain through your limbs.

The world spun around you, and it took a moment for your dazed mind to comprehend what had just happened. As you lay sprawled on the ground, your body aching and bruised, you turned your gaze toward the source of the betrayal—a girl you vaguely recognized from your classes, her eyes filled with envy and resentment.

Bakugou's voice erupted through the hallway as he shouted your name, his urgency and worry echoing in each syllable. He sprinted down the stairs, his expression contorted with shock and fury at the sight before him. Kirishima followed close behind, concern etched across his face as he rushed to your side.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Kirishima's voice was laced with genuine worry as he helped you sit up, his strong hands supporting your back.

You winced, pain shooting through your body with each movement. "I... I think she pushed me," you managed to say, your voice strained as you gestured weakly towards the girl standing a few meters away.

Bakugou's anger blazed like a wildfire, his usually fierce eyes narrowed to slits. He strode forward, his voice dripping with venom. "What the hell is your problem?" he snarled, his gaze locked onto the girl. "Why would you do something like that?"

The girl's face paled, fear flashing in her eyes as she stumbled over her words. "I... I just... I've always had feelings for Bakugou, and seeing you with him... it just made me so angry," she confessed, her voice filled with bitterness and regret.

Kirishima's brows furrowed with a mix of empathy and disappointment. "That doesn't excuse your actions. Hurting someone won't make your feelings go away. It's not right," he said firmly, his tone conveying his genuine concern for both you and the girl.

Realizing the situation could escalate further, you took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of composure despite the pain coursing through your body. "Wait, let's all calm down for a moment," you interjected, your voice steady but tinged with discomfort. "We need to talk about this calmly and find out what really happened."

Bakugou's anger subsided, reluctantly giving in to reason. He nodded, acknowledging the need to address the situation rationally. "Fine, let's hear both sides," he grumbled, though his eyes still burned with anger.

You turned your attention to the girl, your voice gentle but firm. "Did I do something to provoke you? Is there a reason you would push me?"

The girl hesitated, her eyes darting between you and Bakugou. "Well... she pushed me first," she claimed, pointing an accusing finger at you.

Your eyes widened in surprise, not expecting such a false accusation. You glanced at Bakugou, who seemed equally taken aback by the girl's statement.

Bakugou crossed his arms, a skeptical expression on his face. "Is that true?"

You shook your head, a frown marring your features. "No, Bakugou, that's not what happened. I was simply walking down the stairs when she pushed me."

Kirishima stepped forward, his voice calm but assertive. "We need to get to the bottom of this. Are there any witnesses? Anyone who saw what happened?"

A few students nearby hesitated, glancing at each other. Finally, one of them, a classmate from your hero training course, stepped forward. "I saw everything. She's right," the student confirmed, pointing at you. "You didn't push her. She pushed you without any provocation."

The girl's face flushed with frustration, her claims debunked by the witness's testimony. She lowered her head, unable to meet anyone's gaze, her regret palpable in the air.

Bakugou's anger dissipated, replaced by a mix of disappointment and concern. He took a step toward the girl, his voice softer but still firm. "This is unacceptable behavior. You can't take your frustration out on others. We'll report this incident, and appropriate action will be taken."

Kirishima nodded, his gaze filled with empathy. "You need to learn healthier ways to deal with your emotions. Harming someone is never the answer."

With the truth revealed and the situation addressed, you took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. The support of Bakugou and Kirishima, as well as the witness who spoke up, helped reassure you that justice would be served.

Together, you made your way to the infirmary, the pain from your fall still present but eased by the knowledge that the truth had prevailed. As you walked, supported by Bakugou and Kirishima's unwavering presence, you felt a renewed sense of unity and determination.

No matter the challenges that came your way, you knew that with Bakugou and Kirishima by your side, you would face them together. The incident had tested your bonds, but ultimately, it only reinforced the strength and resilience of your relationship. As you entered the infirmary, supported by the two individuals who had become the most important people in your life, you knew that healing and growth awaited, and that together, you would navigate whatever lay ahead.

In the days that followed, you focused on your recovery, surrounded by the unwavering support of Bakugou and Kirishima. They took turns visiting you in the infirmary, bringing your favorite snacks, and sharing stories to lift your spirits. Their presence and care helped speed up your physical healing and mend the emotional wounds left by the incident.

As you regained your strength, you also took the time to reflect on the situation. You realized that empathy and understanding were crucial not just for you but for everyone around you. The incident served as a reminder of the importance of kindness and communication, even in the face of adversity.

With a newfound appreciation for your friends and the bonds you shared, you returned to your daily activities at U.A. High School. The incident had brought you all closer, and together, you faced the challenges that awaited you in your journey to become heroes.

As time passed, the incident became a part of your collective history, a story of resilience and growth. It strengthened the trust between you, Bakugou, and Kirishima, cementing your friendship in the face of adversity. And as you continued to train and grow alongside your classmates, you knew that no matter what obstacles came your way, you would face them with unwavering support and unwavering determination.

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