Zhongli catches Xiao making out with you

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

Xiao was really shy.

That was something that you actually knew. When the two of you were friends, you came to know that. And he was not "shy" in the regular meaning of shy.

He was just really awkward and shy when it came to physical touch and some other aspects of affection. Besides that, there was no shyness involved. But you've come to know how to navigate this, especially as the two of you started dating as well.

You knew very well how to predict his mood swings, how to be able to deal with him, and how to introduce him to new things. It often surprised you just how often you could be unfamiliar with things that everyone would know. But he's never experienced love before, he says, he's never had a lover, and he's never been in a relationship.

So of course, a lot of things that you know, maybe have not even tried but just know of, he would not even have any idea about. It was startling at first, but somehow it was converting in its odd, weird way. Maybe you could teach him, and even better, he'd be less nervous.

So you didn't have to worry about him having all that time of experience when you had nothing in return. The two of you were just as inexperienced as one another, and you were going to do your best to make this as good and enjoyable as it could be. He has not been hugged in years, he says, when you hug him the first time, and the two of you spent a lot of time cuddling after.

The first time you hug, he's really stiff, it's very difficult, and you find yourself laughing. But after that, he melts into it, slowly getting more and more comfortable and easing into your hold. It was extremely adorable in its own way, and it was that moment that you knew you wanted to be with him forever, in every possible way.

You were his, you would remain his, and you were just so happy that he trusted you so much, that he would want to be yours just as much as you wanted to be his. But even then, there were a lot of obstacles ahead, you knew that better than anyone. Loving Xiao, and showing him affection, that was something that you wanted, but it was not just simply as easy as wanting and doing it.

It was like introducing someone to a new type of food, but even harder. And, Xiao did not even like food, so that was not really a good analogy. Regardless of that, you were determined, just as you were today, to make out with him.

Let's say you have done it before, maybe once or twice, but you've never really had time to lose yourself in the moment, Xiao was always too anxious, and he found it too, he found it too overwhelming. You knew he did, he never said it out loud, but you could tell just by the blush on his face, and the way he would be breathless after. But today, you wanted that, you hoped he would agree as well.

You did not expect him to be just as eager for this as you were. When you walked into the forest to meet him, he told you he would be there today, and that's where you went. And, instead of waiting, he seemed to be the one waiting there for you.

"Oh, Y/N, I was worried you wouldn't come today," he said. He smiled softly at him. Then, you tiptoed, kissing his cheek.

"I was worried I wouldn't find you, or that I would be waiting like last time." 

"You know it was an accident, right?" 

"I know, I know, I'm only teasing you. Anyway, I was thinking maybe we could spend some time together, you know, instead of just walking around. How about we sit here? I like this place." And so he agrees. You sat on his lap, something that he's comfortable about, he actually likes it the most things.

When he has an arm wrapped around your waist. And slowly, after some time passes, you find yourself leaning up, just to kiss him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. And instead of him being nervous like every time, Xiao does something that surprises you greatly.

He cups your face in his hands, and brings you even closer, closing his eyes, as you closed your own as well. Your face was bright red, you were blushing, it may be the first time that he's caught you off guard like this, and it was the best thing that ever happened to you. You were really startled, and in the best of ways.

You didn't expect Xiao to do this, but right now you want even more. And Xiao, he was more than happy to give. You melted into his touch, and closed your eyes, as he pulled you closer and closer, until the two of you were pressed together.

And soon enough you broke up the kiss, just to breathe and then, he leaned in once more. And little did you know, that Zhongli was just gonna happen to walk here. The poor man had no idea that you two would be meeting here, you had no idea about Xiao's whereabouts, but it just so happened to like walking in the forest as well.

And that's when he stumbles upon the sight, of Xiao making out with you. It was quite strange for Xiao to not pay attention to his surroundings like this, to be lost in a moment, so thoroughly. And Zhongli found himself watching for a moment, before looking away, chuckling to himself.

He was happy that Xiao found someone like you, someone who he could love and someone who could make him forget about the world, even if for a moment or two. And as he walked by, and saw you, he made sure not to make any appearance, so Xiao would not see you and be embarrassed. He just hoped that the two of you would be having fun, and for Xiao to be happier, he was happy to see him happy again.

And little did Zhongli know, there would be a lot for you two, a lot of happiness, a lot of love, and a lot of things for Xiao to feel and to discover, in this new chapter of his life with you.

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