You're tired and he takes care of you

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The city lights painted a soft glow through the curtains as you and Bakugou settled into another evening in your shared apartment. The day had been filled with hero duties, leaving you exhausted and drained. As you slumped on the couch, Bakugou's keen gaze caught the weariness in your eyes.

"Rough day, huh?" he remarked, joining you on the couch.

You nodded, mustering a small smile. "Yeah, the villain cleanup was more intense than I expected."

Bakugou grunted, understanding the challenges all too well. "Well, sit tight. I'll take care of you tonight."

Before you could protest, he effortlessly lifted you into his arms. "Katsuki, you don't have to—"

"Shut it. You've been running around all day. Let me do something for once," he interrupted, his expression softening.

He carried you to the bedroom, setting you down gently on the bed. The concern in his eyes was undeniable. "You look like you're about to pass out. Get some rest, and I'll take care of everything."

You sighed, appreciating the genuine care in his actions. "You don't have to do all this, Katsuki. I can take care of myself."

He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Yeah, right. You're practically running on fumes. Just let me do this, okay?"

You nodded, conceding to his stubbornness. "Fine, but only because you insisted."

Bakugou smirked, "That's the spirit."

As you settled into bed, Bakugou moved around the room, fetching a glass of water and pulling the curtains closed. He returned to your side, handing you the water. "Drink. You need to stay hydrated."

You chuckled, "Feeling like a patient here."

He rolled his eyes, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Heroes need to take care of themselves. Don't make me lecture you."

The banter between you two continued, a comforting backdrop to the exhaustion that weighed on you. Bakugou, despite his gruff exterior, proved to be surprisingly gentle in his care.

He disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a light snack. "Eat something. You won't have energy for tomorrow if you don't."

You obliged, grateful for his thoughtfulness. "You're really going all out, aren't you?"

Bakugou shrugged, "Yeah, well, I don't want you collapsing on me. It's a pain in the ass."

The room fell into a comfortable silence as you ate, the city lights outside casting a serene ambiance. Bakugou, ever attentive, watched over you with a quiet intensity.

Once you finished, he took the empty plate and set it aside. "Now, get some rest. I'll be right here."

You closed your eyes, the weariness pulling you into a much-needed slumber. Bakugou, sitting beside you, maintained his vigil, ensuring you could rest without worry.

As the night unfolded, you and Bakugou shared moments of quiet companionship. The city lights outside, witnesses to the heroics and care that defined your relationship, continued their dance into the night.

The night wore on, and the gentle hum of the city outside accompanied your peaceful slumber. Bakugou, still seated beside you, couldn't help but admire the serene expression on your face. The weariness that had clouded your features earlier had given way to the tranquility of rest.

As the hours passed, Bakugou found himself lost in thought. The responsibilities of hero life, the battles fought, and the moments of vulnerability shared between you and him seemed to converge in the quietude of the night. He knew the importance of these moments — the times when the facade of toughness melted away, revealing the genuine care that bound you together.

When you finally stirred, Bakugou was there, his gaze softened but still carrying a hint of concern. "Hey, feeling any better?"

You stretched, the fatigue lifting from your bones. "Much better, thanks to you. I didn't expect the full-service treatment."

He grunted, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "Well, heroes deserve it every once in a while. Don't get used to it, though."

You chuckled, "Noted. But seriously, Katsuki, thank you. I needed this."

He shrugged, trying to downplay his efforts. "Yeah, well, don't make a habit of collapsing on me."

You sat up, leaning against the headboard. "Deal. Now, tell me about your day. How was your hero work?"

Bakugou rolled his eyes, but a subtle smile played on his lips. "Same old, same old. Villains causing trouble, and me blowing them to hell."

You laughed, "Classic Katsuki. Anything interesting happen?"

He hesitated for a moment, a rare vulnerability crossing his features. "Not really. Just the usual chaos. But, uh, I missed having you around today."

Your heart warmed at his admission. "I missed being with you too, Katsuki."

He scratched the back of his head, a habit that surfaced when he felt a bit awkward. "Yeah, well, don't get all sentimental on me. It's not my style."

You leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "Too late. I appreciate you taking care of me, tough guy."

Bakugou grumbled, but the faintest hint of a smile lingered. "Yeah, yeah. Just get some more rest, okay?"

As you settled back into the comfort of the bed, Bakugou resumed his watchful position. The city lights outside continued their nocturnal dance, casting a warm glow on a scene of shared care and affection.

In the quiet moments that followed, Bakugou spoke, his voice a gentle murmur in the night. "I meant what I said, Y/N. You mean a lot to me, and I'll always be here to take care of you. Got it?"

You smiled, the love in your heart mirrored in your eyes. "Got it, Katsuki. And I'll always be here for you too."

The night unfolded with a peaceful serenity, the city lights outside casting a timeless glow on a relationship that found strength in vulnerability and care.

As the night deepened, Bakugou continued his silent watch over you. The city lights outside began to fade into the predawn hues, signaling the approaching dawn. Your steady breathing and the gentle rise and fall of your chest reassured Bakugou that you were truly at peace.

As the first light of morning peeked through the curtains, you began to stir. Bakugou, ever alert, noticed the subtle change and leaned in. "Morning, sleepyhead. How are you feeling now?"

You yawned, stretching languidly. "Surprisingly well-rested. You're a miracle worker, Katsuki."

He smirked, a mixture of pride and relief in his expression. "Told you I got this."

The room filled with a quiet intimacy as you both sat on the edge of the bed. The weariness of the previous day seemed to linger in the background, replaced by a newfound sense of connection.

"Thanks for taking care of me, Katsuki," you said, sincerity in your eyes.

Bakugou grunted, a rare moment of vulnerability slipping through. "It's what partners do, right?"

You nodded, a warm smile on your face. "Right. I'm lucky to have you."

The city lights outside transitioned into the vibrant hues of dawn, casting a soft glow on a scene of shared care and affection. As you and Bakugou faced a new day, the challenges of hero life felt more manageable with the unwavering support you found in each other.

The apartment, once a haven of quiet companionship, now held the echoes of a night where fatigue and care mingled, creating a tapestry of intimacy that only strengthened your bond.

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