Your protective brother refuses to let you date

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

One day, you found yourself sitting at the dining table, trying to study for exams as your brother stormed into the room, his face redder than usual. "I saw you with Bakugou again!" he bellowed, slamming his hands on the table.

"Kirishima, can't you give us some space?" you pleaded, looking up from your books.

"Space? You're my sister, and that guy is nothing but trouble!" Kirishima retorted, clenching his fists.

The next time you saw Bakugou, you couldn't help but share the frustration with him. "Katsuki, my brother is making this impossible. He's convinced you're bad news."

Bakugou snorted, crossing his arms. "Like I give a damn about what he thinks. We're not gonna let him ruin this for us, got it?"

The tension escalated when Kirishima caught wind of your secret rendezvous. He confronted Bakugou, his eyes blazing with a protective fire. "Stay away from my sister, Explosion Boy!"

Bakugou's explosive personality met Kirishima's unyielding determination in a clash of wills. "I'm not taking orders from you, Red Riot. She can make her own choices," Bakugou spat.

The confrontations continued, with you caught in the middle of the brewing storm. One evening, as you tried to enjoy a peaceful dinner at home, Kirishima couldn't hold back any longer. "This has to stop, Y/N. Bakugou is trouble, and I won't let you get hurt!"

You slammed your fork on the table, frustration boiling over. "Kirishima, you're suffocating me! I can make my own choices, and I choose Bakugou!"

The tension reached its peak when Bakugou confronted Kirishima directly. "Back off, Shitty Hair. This is between me and her. If you can't accept it, then we'll settle it here and now."

Kirishima's eyes narrowed, and the two heroes faced off in a heated battle, their quirks colliding with explosive force. "You're not good enough for my sister!" Kirishima shouted.

"She's not your property, and I don't need your approval!" Bakugou roared, the clash of their powers echoing through the night.

In the aftermath, as the dust settled, you stepped between the two exhausted men. "Enough! I love Bakugou, and I won't let anyone come between us. Kirishima, please accept it."

Your brother sighed, finally relenting. "Fine, but he better treat you right, or I'll be the one coming between you."

As the tensions eased, you realized that love could withstand even the most explosive clashes, and you and Bakugou faced the challenges together, knowing that your bond was unbreakable.

With Kirishima reluctantly giving his blessing, you and Bakugou could finally enjoy some moments of peace. However, it wasn't long before you faced the next hurdle in your relationship – navigating the complexities of Bakugou's explosive personality.

One day, after a particularly intense training session, Bakugou stormed into your shared apartment, frustration etched across his face. "Damn it, Y/N, why do you keep pushing my buttons?!"

You sighed, feeling the weight of the argument that was about to unfold. "Katsuki, you need to learn to control your temper. It's affecting us."

He scowled, refusing to back down. "I am who I am. If you can't handle it, maybe you should find someone else."

Your patience wearing thin, you shot back, "I love you, but I won't let you use that as an excuse to treat me poorly. We need to find a way to communicate without all the explosions."

The following days became a test of your relationship. Arguments flared up, sparks flying both literally and figuratively. It seemed like an impossible task to bridge the gap between Bakugou's fiery temper and your desire for a calmer, more stable relationship.

In one heated moment, you confronted him, "Katsuki, if we can't figure this out, maybe we're just not right for each other."

For a moment, the room fell silent as Bakugou stared at you, processing your words. Finally, he sighed, a rare display of vulnerability. "I don't want to lose you, but I don't know how to be anything other than this."

You reached out, taking his hand. "We can figure it out together. Let's find a way for both of us to be happy."

It was a slow process, filled with compromise and understanding. Bakugou started attending anger management sessions, and you both worked on communication strategies to prevent unnecessary explosions. Over time, the intensity mellowed, replaced by a deeper understanding of each other's needs.

One day, as you walked hand in hand with Bakugou, you couldn't help but smile at the progress you had made. The journey wasn't easy, but the love you shared proved stronger than any obstacle. The battles you faced together only strengthened the bond between you and Bakugou, turning your relationship into a resilient flame that refused to be extinguished.

As your relationship with Bakugou continued to evolve, you both found solace in the small victories of understanding and compromise. The once-explosive arguments turned into more constructive conversations, and Bakugou's efforts to control his temper became evident.

One evening, as you enjoyed a quiet dinner together, Bakugou looked at you with a softness that was rare for him. "Thanks for sticking with me, Y/N. I know I can be a handful."

You smiled warmly, appreciating the sincerity in his eyes. "We've both grown through this, Katsuki. It's about learning and adapting together."

Despite the progress, occasional challenges emerged. Bakugou's competitive nature clashed with your desire for a more laid-back approach to life. One day, as you planned a relaxing weekend getaway, he insisted on turning it into a training session.

"Can't we just enjoy a peaceful weekend without sparring?" you suggested, hoping to find common ground.

Bakugou grumbled but eventually agreed, realizing that compromising on some aspects of his hero training was essential for a balanced relationship.

As months passed, you noticed Bakugou becoming more attuned to your needs and emotions. He surprised you with thoughtful gestures, and the once-unyielding hero even found a way to express his affection without resorting to explosions.

One day, you found a handwritten note on the kitchen counter. "Meet me at the park after your class. I've got something for you."

Intrigued, you arrived at the park to find Bakugou with a small bouquet of flowers, a genuine smile gracing his face. "I remembered you mentioning you liked these. Thought I'd try being less of an ass."

You chuckled, touched by the effort. "It's perfect, Katsuki. I appreciate the thought."

The evolution of your relationship with Bakugou was a testament to the strength of your love. The once tumultuous journey had transformed into a partnership built on mutual respect and understanding. You faced challenges head-on, emerging stronger each time.

One day, as you sat on the couch, watching a movie together, Bakugou wrapped his arms around you. "I never thought I'd find someone who could put up with me.

You leaned into his embrace, smiling. "You're worth it, Katsuki. Always."

And so, your love story continued, a tale of growth, compromise, and the unyielding flame that burned between you and Bakugou. Together, you faced the world, knowing that the challenges ahead were nothing compared to the strength of your bond.

You sighed, frustrated as you navigated the challenging terrain of trying to date Bakugou Katsuki while dealing with your overprotective brother, Kirishima Eijirou. He was a pro hero with a heart as fiery as his red hair, and his protective nature had only intensified since you entered the dating scene.

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