Your father is toxic

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The soft glow of the evening lights embraced you and Bakugou as you entered your shared apartment. The day had been a mix of hero duties and mundane tasks, and now, the familiar comfort of your home awaited. As established lovers, you and Bakugou had weathered various challenges together. However, there was one challenge that lingered, casting a shadow on your relationship — your toxic relationship with your father.

Bakugou sensed the change in your mood, the subtle shift in your demeanor. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, concern etching his features.

You sighed, glancing at the floor. "It's just... my father. He called again."

Bakugou's expression hardened, his protective instincts kicking in. "What did he say this time?"

"He keeps criticizing everything, Katsuki. My choices, our relationship, he never approves," you explained, frustration evident in your voice.

Bakugou scowled, his hands clenching into fists. "Damn bastard needs to mind his own business. You're not a kid anymore. You don't need his approval."

You looked up at Bakugou, gratitude warming your heart. "I know, but it's not that simple. He's my father, and it's hard to shake off his influence."

Bakugou approached you, his touch gentle as he tilted your chin up to meet his gaze. "You don't have to deal with him alone. We'll figure this out together."

As the evening unfolded, you and Bakugou sat on the couch, the city lights outside providing a comforting backdrop to the difficult conversation ahead.

"He just doesn't get it, Katsuki. He wants me to follow his path, but I've chosen a different one," you said, frustration coloring your words.

Bakugou wrapped an arm around you, offering silent support. "You don't owe him anything. You have the right to live your life the way you want."

You sighed, leaning into him. "I know, but his words still get to me. I wish he could just accept that I'm happy with you."

Bakugou kissed the top of your head. "He's not the one living your life. You are. Don't let his toxicity poison what we have."

Days turned into weeks, and the calls from your father persisted. One evening, as you and Bakugou prepared dinner together, the ringing phone disrupted the peaceful atmosphere.

You glanced at the caller ID, hesitating before answering. "Hello?"

Your father's voice, laced with disapproval, echoed through the receiver. "I've been thinking, and I don't approve of this relationship. You should reconsider your choices."

Bakugou, sensing your distress, took the phone from your hand. "Listen here, old man. Your opinion doesn't matter. Y/N's an adult, and we're happy together. If you can't accept that, then stop bothering them."

There was a tense silence on the other end, broken by your father's bitter retort. "You think you can replace what I've done for them?"

Bakugou's voice remained steady. "I don't need to replace anyone. I'm here because Y/N chooses to be with me. If you cared, you'd respect that choice."

After the call ended, Bakugou turned to you, concern etched on his face. "You okay?"

You nodded, a mix of relief and sadness in your eyes. "Thanks, Katsuki. I just wish he could understand."

Bakugou pulled you into a reassuring hug. "You can't control how he thinks, but we can control how we live our lives. We're in this together."

As the evening continued, the aroma of dinner filled the apartment, and the city lights outside continued their serene dance. In the face of toxicity, you and Bakugou stood united, determined to build a life based on your choices and happiness.

In the following days, the cloud of your father's disapproval continued to loom, but with Bakugou by your side, you faced each challenge head-on. Together, you navigated the complexities of family dynamics and the weight of expectations that lingered in the air.

One evening, as you and Bakugou enjoyed a quiet night at home, the topic of your father resurfaced. Bakugou, ever protective, spoke up, "Y/N, we need to set boundaries with him. He can't keep interfering in our lives."

You nodded, appreciating his concern. "You're right, Katsuki. It's just hard when it's family, you know?"

He sighed, his hand reaching for yours. "I get it, but we can't let his toxicity seep into what we have. We build our own family, one that respects and supports us."

Inspired by Bakugou's unwavering support, you decided to address the issue directly. The next time your father called, you calmly expressed your boundaries, emphasizing the need for respect and understanding.

His reaction was predictably resistant, but with Bakugou's encouragement, you stood your ground. "I've made my choices, Dad. I'm happy, and I need you to respect that."

The following weeks were a mix of tense conversations and occasional moments of peace. Bakugou's reassuring presence never wavered, and you both found solace in the strength of your relationship.

One day, as you and Bakugou walked through the city, you shared a rare moment of vulnerability. "Sometimes, I wish things were different with my father. It's hard to accept that he may never fully understand."

Bakugou squeezed your hand, his gaze steady. "We can't change others, Y/N. But we can choose how much space they occupy in our lives. Focus on the people who truly care about you."

As the months passed, your father's influence gradually diminished. You and Bakugou continued to build a life based on your own terms, surrounded by friends who embraced your happiness.

One evening, under the soft glow of the city lights, Bakugou turned to you, a warmth in his eyes. "We've come a long way, haven't we?"

You smiled, leaning into his embrace. "Yes, we have. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

The city lights, witness to the journey of your relationship, illuminated the path forward. In the face of adversity, your love with Bakugou had only grown stronger, a testament to the resilience of your bond.

As your relationship with Bakugou thrived in the face of adversity, the months turned into years, and the echoes of your father's disapproval became distant whispers. Your shared home, filled with warmth and laughter, became a sanctuary that stood as a testament to the strength of your bond.

One day, as you and Bakugou stood on the balcony, the city lights below painting a tranquil scene, he turned to you with a playful glint in his eyes. "Remember when we had to deal with all that crap from your old man?"

You chuckled, leaning against the railing. "Hard to believe how far we've come since then. We built something beautiful together."

Bakugou smirked, wrapping his arms around you. "Damn right. No one messes with us."

The city lights, always present witnesses to the journey of your relationship, seemed to glow with approval. The challenges you faced had only solidified your connection, and as you stood together, surrounded by the gentle hum of the city, you knew that your love with Bakugou was unbreakable.

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