You think he hates you

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

 The city lights danced outside the window, casting a soothing glow over your shared apartment. You and Bakugou, usually a dynamic duo, had settled into a rare moment of quiet. However, a lingering thought tugged at your mind — the belief that Bakugou might harbor a certain disdain for you.

His demeanor, often gruff and direct, had left you questioning your place in his heart. As established lovers, you'd weathered countless challenges, but the uncertainty of his feelings gnawed at you.

One evening, as you sat together, the city lights reflecting in your eyes, you mustered the courage to broach the subject. "Katsuki, do you ever feel like... you hate me?"

His eyes, crimson and intense, met yours with a mixture of surprise and confusion. "What the hell are you talking about, Y/N?"

You fidgeted with your hands, hesitant. "I don't know. Sometimes, it just feels like you're always so angry with me."

Bakugou sighed, his expression softening. "I'm not angry at you, dumbass. It's just... the world pisses me off, and sometimes that frustration spills over."

His words, though comforting, didn't entirely dispel the doubt that lingered in your mind. The following days unfolded with a sense of unease, the city lights outside mirroring the uncertainty that clouded your emotions.

During a routine training session, Bakugou's explosive outbursts only fueled your belief that you were the source of his anger. As you sparred together, his intensity reached new heights, leaving you with a lingering sense of inadequacy.

Later, as you both caught your breath, you couldn't help but voice your concerns. "Katsuki, am I holding you back? Is that why you're always so... intense?"

He raised an eyebrow, a mix of irritation and genuine confusion. "Where the hell is this coming from, Y/N? You're not holding me back. If anything, you push me to be better."

Despite his reassurance, a seed of doubt persisted. The city lights outside, usually a source of comfort, now seemed to mock your internal turmoil.

One evening, as you lay in bed, the weight of your thoughts prompted you to speak again. "Katsuki, I need to know. Do you hate me?"

Bakugou turned to you, frustration etching his features. "Why the hell would I hate you? You're the one person who gets me, who puts up with my shit."

Tears welled in your eyes, the fear of rejection and misunderstanding choking you. "I just... sometimes it feels like I'm not enough."

He sighed, his hand reaching to gently cup your face. "You're more than enough, Y/N. I'm just a volatile bastard, and I don't want to drag you down with me."

As Bakugou's lips met yours in a tender kiss, the city lights outside seemed to flicker with understanding. The love you shared, though turbulent at times, held a strength that could weather even the stormiest emotions.

In the days that followed, Bakugou made an effort to express his feelings more openly. The city lights, once a source of doubt, now reflected the warmth of a love that transcended misunderstandings.

One evening, as you stood together on the balcony, the city lights below twinkling in the night, Bakugou spoke from the heart. "I don't hate you, Y/N. I love you, and I'm sorry if I made you doubt that."

You smiled, the doubts finally fading away. "I love you too, Katsuki. Let's face the world together."

As you leaned against the railing, the city lights witnessed the rekindling of a love that had weathered doubts, emerging stronger than ever.

In the weeks that followed, the atmosphere between you and Bakugou transformed. The city lights, once a reminder of uncertainty, now became witnesses to the evolving dynamics of your relationship. Bakugou's efforts to express his feelings more openly created a sense of connection that had been missing.

One day, as you both engaged in a casual training session, the intensity of Bakugou's explosions seemed to carry a different energy. Instead of frustration, there was a determination to match your pace, a silent acknowledgment of the partnership you shared.

After the training, as you caught your breath, Bakugou looked at you with a sincere gaze. "I'm not holding back because of you, Y/N. I'm pushing myself to be better for both of us."

His words resonated, and you felt a renewed sense of understanding. The city lights outside, now a backdrop to this moment of clarity, seemed to glow with a comforting reassurance.

Later, as you sat together on the balcony, the city lights below creating a picturesque scene, Bakugou spoke from the heart. "I don't want you to doubt us. You're everything to me, and I'll work on being more aware of how I come across."

You nodded, appreciating the vulnerability in his admission. "We're in this together, Katsuki. No doubts, no holding back."

As the days turned into weeks, the city lights outside became a constant, a symbol of the evolving love between you and Bakugou. The challenges you faced together only strengthened the bond, turning uncertainty into a foundation of trust.

One evening, as you both prepared dinner in the warm glow of your kitchen, Bakugou's hand found yours. "I never want you to doubt how much I love you, Y/N."

You smiled, feeling the sincerity in his touch. "I know, Katsuki. We've faced our doubts, and now we're stronger."

The city lights outside witnessed the growth of your love, a beacon of reassurance in the face of past uncertainties. As you and Bakugou moved forward, hand in hand, the city lights illuminated a path of shared understanding and unwavering commitment.

In the weeks that followed, the newfound understanding between you and Bakugou deepened, casting a positive light on your relationship. The city lights, once a symbol of uncertainty, now framed your shared moments with a sense of reassurance.

One day, Bakugou surprised you with a spontaneous date night. The city lights glittered around you as you strolled through a park, hand in hand. His gestures of affection and the genuine smiles exchanged between you felt like a testament to the growth you had achieved.

As you both settled on a bench, Bakugou's eyes softened. "I've been thinking, Y/N. Let's make more memories like this, without the weight of doubt."

Your heart warmed, and you nodded in agreement. "I'd love that, Katsuki

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