You protect him in a mission after an argument

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

You and Bakugou stormed through the dimly lit corridors of the villain's hideout, the tension between you palpable. The mission had taken an unexpected turn, and the argument from earlier still lingered in the air.

"I can handle myself, dammit!" Bakugou growled, his explosions punctuating his frustration.

You shot him a glare, determined to prove your point. "We're a team, Katsuki. I'm not letting you charge in recklessly."

The exchange of heated words continued until you reached a large, ominous chamber. The villain, a formidable opponent, awaited you both. The battle began, and you fought side by side, your movements synchronized despite the lingering tension.

In the midst of the chaos, a surprise attack caught you off guard. You were thrown against a wall, pain shooting through your side. Bakugou's eyes widened in horror as he rushed to your side.

"I told you to stay back!" he snapped, concern etching his face.

Ignoring the pain, you gritted your teeth. "Focus, Katsuki. We need to finish this."

The battle intensified, but your injury hindered your movements. Bakugou noticed your struggle and frustration crept into his voice. "Damn it, you're hurt because of me."

You winced but pushed through. "It's not your fault. We need to end this together."

As the fight raged on, Bakugou unleashed his full power, creating an explosive spectacle. In the aftermath, the villain lay defeated, but the toll on you was evident. You collapsed to the ground, clutching your injured side.

Bakugou rushed to your side, a mixture of worry and guilt on his face. "I should've listened to you."

You managed a weak smile. "We make a good team, but we need to trust each other."

He gently cradled you in his arms. "I love you, idiot. Don't scare me like that again."

You chuckled weakly. "Love you too, Katsuki."

As backup heroes arrived to secure the scene, Bakugou refused to let you go. The argument from earlier had faded into the background, replaced by a shared understanding of the dangers you both faced. In the aftermath, you leaned on each other for support, the bond between you stronger than ever.

The medics arrived, assessing your injuries and preparing to transport you to the nearest medical facility. Bakugou stayed by your side, his usual fiery demeanor softened by concern. As they lifted you onto a stretcher, he grabbed your hand, his grip reassuring.

"Stay with me," he urged, his crimson eyes reflecting worry.

You squeezed his hand. "I'm not going anywhere, Katsuki."

The journey to the medical facility was a blur of pain and hushed conversations between the medics. Bakugou kept a vigilant watch over you, his usual sharp gaze softened by the gravity of the situation.

Once at the facility, you were rushed into the emergency room. Bakugou paced outside, unable to hide the anxiety etched across his face. The minutes felt like hours until a doctor emerged, providing an update on your condition.

"Stable, but it was a close call," the doctor explained. "She needs rest and recovery."

Bakugou nodded, determination flickering in his eyes. When he was finally allowed to see you, he entered the room with a mix of relief and guilt.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, taking a seat beside your bed.

You reached out to touch his cheek, a gentle smile on your face. "No more apologies, Katsuki. We did it together."

He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "I love you, and I'm not letting anything like this happen again."

The days that followed were a mix of pain, healing, and Bakugou's unwavering presence. He stayed by your side, attending to your every need, and the unspoken bond between you two deepened. The initial argument had given way to a newfound appreciation for each other's strengths and a commitment to protecting one another.

As you recovered, Bakugou became your pillar of support. Late-night conversations replaced the heated arguments, and the scars from the mission became a testament to your shared struggles. The experience had forged a stronger connection between you, a bond that transcended words.

One evening, as you watched the sunset from the hospital window, Bakugou spoke with a rare vulnerability in his voice. "I can't lose you, not now, not ever."

You took his hand, intertwining your fingers. "You won't. We've got each other's backs, remember?"

A genuine smile broke across his face, and he pressed a tender kiss to your lips. In that moment, surrounded by the hum of the hospital and the promise of a new day, you knew that the challenges you faced together only strengthened the love you shared with Bakugou.

The doctors eventually cleared you for release, and Bakugou insisted on taking you home himself. The ride back was quiet, the weight of recent events hanging in the air. As you entered your apartment, the familiarity of your shared space brought a sense of comfort.

Bakugou continued to be attentive, fetching anything you needed and helping you settle in. The apartment, once a battleground for heated arguments, now felt like a haven of peace and understanding. He stayed close, a silent guardian watching over you as you navigated the journey of recovery.

Days turned into weeks, and as your strength returned, so did the routines of daily life. Bakugou accompanied you to follow-up appointments, his presence a source of reassurance. The scars on your side were a constant reminder of that mission, but they also became a symbol of resilience and the bond you and Bakugou shared.

One evening, as you sat together on the couch, Bakugou broke the comfortable silence. "I've been thinking," he began, a rare vulnerability in his tone. "Maybe we need to work on our communication, so we don't end up in situations like that again."

You nodded in agreement. "I'm willing to try if you are."

He smirked, a hint of his usual bravado returning. "Don't get me wrong, I still think I can handle myself, but I guess having someone watching my back isn't the worst thing."

You chuckled, appreciating his attempt at compromise. "And I promise not to throw myself in the line of fire without discussing it first."

Bakugou grinned, leaning in to capture your lips in a lingering kiss. "Good. Because I can't lose you."

From that day forward, your relationship took on a new depth. The argument that once seemed like an insurmountable obstacle became a catalyst for positive change. You and Bakugou learned to balance each other's strengths and weaknesses, creating a partnership that thrived on trust and understanding.

As the weeks turned into months, the scars on your side faded, but the love between you and Bakugou only grew stronger. The challenges you faced together became stepping stones, and your shared experiences became the foundation of a love story that could withstand anything that came your way.

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