You both argue and you get overwhelmed

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The Saturday sun bathed the streets as you strolled hand in hand with Bakugou, navigating the bustling shopping district. The vibrant energy of the city surrounded you, and you couldn't help but enjoy the simple pleasure of a weekend outing. Little did you know, this ordinary shopping trip was about to take an unexpected turn.

As you browsed through the aisles, contemplating which snacks to pick up, a voice rang out, cutting through the ambient noise. "Well, well, if it isn't Katsuki. You finally brought someone home?"

You turned to see a woman with a striking resemblance to Bakugou—fiery blonde hair, sharp features, and an unmistakable air of confidence. This had to be Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki's mom.

Bakugou groaned, his usual scowl deepening. "Mom, don't make this more annoying than it already is."

Mitsuki smirked, eyeing you with an appraising gaze. "So, this is the lucky one, huh? Better be tough to put up with this explosive brat."

You chuckled nervously, extending a hand. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Bakugou. I'm Y/N."

Mitsuki grabbed your hand, giving you a firm handshake. "Call me Mitsuki. None of that 'Mrs. Bakugou' crap. And tough? Ha! I like you already."

Bakugou rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed by his mom's antics. "Can we just shop in peace?"

But Mitsuki wasn't done. "Y/N, you must be something special to handle this hothead. What's your secret?"

You exchanged a glance with Bakugou, a playful smirk forming on your lips. "Maybe I'm just as much of a hothead, Mitsuki."

Mitsuki laughed, clapping you on the shoulder. "I like your spirit! Katsuki, you've done well."

As you continued shopping, Mitsuki tagged along, offering unsolicited but entertaining commentary on various items. Her bold and brash personality echoed Bakugou's, and you couldn't help but appreciate the family resemblance.

At the checkout counter, Mitsuki nudged Bakugou. "You paying, right? Don't cheap out with Y/N here."

Bakugou grumbled but paid for the groceries. Mitsuki winked at you. "Good catch, Y/N. Now, if you ever need advice on dealing with this one, just give me a call."

As you left the store, Mitsuki linked arms with you, shooting Bakugou a mischievous grin. "Katsuki, you should be thanking Y/N for bringing some excitement into this family. I was getting bored."

Bakugou sighed, resigned to his mother's theatrics. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

The three of you walked down the street, Mitsuki seamlessly part of your duo. She shared stories about Bakugou's childhood, much to his embarrassment, and offered colorful advice on relationships that left you laughing.

As you approached Bakugou's apartment building, Mitsuki gave you a sly smile. "Well, Y/N, it's been a blast. Take care of my explosive son, alright?"

You nodded, still chuckling. "Will do, Mitsuki. Thanks for the shopping adventure."

She winked. "Anytime, kid. See you both later!"

As Mitsuki walked away, Bakugou shook his head. "I can't believe you got along with her so well."

You grinned. "Your mom's awesome, Katsuki. Like mother, like son."

He scoffed but couldn't hide a small smile. "Let's just get this stuff inside."

As you entered the apartment, groceries in tow, you couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected and entertaining encounter. The city lights outside seemed to shine a bit brighter, casting a warm glow on the quirky dynamics of Bakugou's family.

The evening continued with the clinking of grocery bags and the sound of laughter echoing in Bakugou's apartment. You and Bakugou unpacked the groceries, Mitsuki's lively presence still lingering in the air.

Bakugou, despite his initial reluctance, seemed to be in a slightly better mood. "Can't believe she dragged herself into our shopping trip."

You chuckled, placing snacks in the cupboard. "Your mom is fun, Katsuki. It made the outing more interesting."

He huffed but cracked a small smile. "Yeah, yeah. Fun and annoying, that's her."

As the two of you settled into a relaxed evening, you couldn't help but bring up Mitsuki's amusing antics. "Your mom is quite the character. I can see where you get your... charm."

Bakugou raised an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Charm, huh? You're getting bold, Y/N."

You nudged him playfully. "Just stating the obvious, tough guy."

The banter continued, the walls of Bakugou's apartment filled with the warmth of shared moments. The city lights outside, now painted against the evening sky, seemed to flicker in agreement, as if they, too, approved of the unexpected twist in your day.

As night settled in, you and Bakugou found yourselves on the balcony, enjoying the view of the city below. The glow of the lights mirrored the laughter that had filled your evening.

Bakugou spoke, breaking the comfortable silence. "I guess you handled Mom better than I expected."

You leaned against the railing, looking at him with a smile. "Your mom is awesome, Katsuki. It's easy to see where you get your fire from."

He grunted, seemingly satisfied with your response. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't get too comfortable with her antics."

The night unfolded with shared stories and laughter, the city lights below a silent witness to the growing connection between you and Bakugou. The unexpected encounter with Mitsuki had added a new layer to your relationship, turning a routine shopping trip into a memorable adventure.

As the evening wound down, Bakugou, in a rare moment of sincerity, spoke. "Thanks for putting up with Mom's nonsense, Y/N."

You smiled, brushing a strand of hair from his face. "Anytime, Katsuki. Your family is... entertaining."

He rolled his eyes but didn't protest, the hint of a smile still playing on his lips. You both knew that this ordinary Saturday had become something special, a chapter in the ongoing story of your relationship.

And so, beneath the city lights that painted the canvas of your shared adventures, you and Bakugou embraced the unpredictability of life, finding joy in the unexpected moments that made your love story uniquely yours.

As the night deepened, the laughter subsided, and a comfortable quiet settled between you and Bakugou on the balcony. The city lights below continued to twinkle, creating a serene backdrop to your shared moment.

Bakugou, his usual tough exterior softened by the evening's events, glanced at you. "You know, you handle chaos surprisingly well."

You grinned, leaning in closer. "Chaos? Is that what you call your family?"

He scoffed but didn't deny it. "Yeah, something like that."

In the quietude, you felt a sense of gratitude for the unexpected encounters that added color to your relationship. The city lights, much like your journey with Bakugou, illuminated the path ahead with an unpredictable brilliance.

As the evening breeze rustled through the air, Bakugou spoke again, a rare sincerity in his voice. "Seriously, though, thanks for being here, Y/N. For putting up with my mom and... everything."

You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Anytime, Katsuki. Your family is a blast, and I wouldn't trade these moments for anything."

He grumbled something unintelligible but pulled you closer, the city lights casting a warm glow on the shared silence.

In the midst of the bustling city, you and Bakugou found solace in the ordinary and extraordinary moments, each one etching a chapter in the unique tapestry of your love story.

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