You kiss his chest

Written by me and all copyrights reserved


Now Neuvillette looked like he had a chest beneath all those things that he wore, that huge robe, and many things underneath.

And you are bound to uncover that one day, especially since the two of you live together now. It was on that fateful day that you saw him walking out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, and his chest glistening with the water. And it was needless to say, it was quite a sight to witness, quite an extreme sight, because he was beautiful in an unreal way.

"Woah Neuvillette, you sure got some stuff under there." You say, blushing brightly, and he tilts his head, a little bit clueless. "Excuse me, but I do not really understand what you mean, Y/N."

"Do you want me to show you then?" You say, a little bit daring, because nobody got what they wanted just by playing it safe. And thankfully, you were brave enough to try, and maybe, as embarrassed as you would be, it wouldn't be that bad. And Neuvillette nodded.

And that's when you knew, you had gotten your chance, and it was time to make what you could out of this opportunity. You stepped forward, wrapping your arms around him, and then, letting your hands trail up his chest, before pressing a soft kiss to his abs, smiling as you looked at him. He was very still for a moment, and you saw, as a small blush bloomed onto his cheeks, and you gave him one more kiss.

"This is what I'm talking about. You were hiding all of that beauty from me. It's a little bit too much, Neuvillette. So, I'm sorry for not holding back." 

You say, and as startled as he was, he wanted more of it, so he was not going to stop you. Instead, he's rather enthusiastic about you doing all of this, and he would let you keep it going.


Now, Wriothesley, his chest was admirable. It was a precious, no, luxurious chest at this point.

It was one of a kind, and of course, you were able to see that, were you were not blind at all, you could clearly tell that you were lucky. So, when you saw him wandering around the house, shirtless, shirtless, just like that, unable to comprehend the power that he held over you, the power of his beautiful, amazing, profound chest. There were many words to describe it with, but none would ever be enough, you thought. And right now, as you felt like you were almost about to salivate at the sight of it, you knew you had to do something.

Staring was not simply enough, and you couldn't hold it back any longer. "Wriothesley, would you please come sit next to me? We could cuddle." You tell him, and of course, he's not about to refuse an offer like that.

Smiling as he sits next to you, wrapping an arm around you and holding you close, and that's when you put a hand on his chest, letting it wander, and he lets out a chuckle. "You think you're really subtle, Y/N, but I can tell. If you wanted to touch me so bad, you could have at least said", he says, and you smile shyly, shaking your head. 

"It's not like that, I just wanted to… okay, maybe it is like that." You admit, the blush on your cheeks, rather embarrassing at this point, but since you've been found out, you might as well just do whatever you wanted. And that's when you press your face to his chest, and he lets out a loud laugh, and you can feel the rumbling within, and he puts a hand on the top of your head, looking at you, with so much love in his eyes.

"You're adorable", he said, and it was very clear that he had a lot of plans for tonight, especially seeing your enthusiasm. 


Childe is wonderful.

Childe is amazing. And most importantly, he's very pretty. And that's what was on your mind today.

Especially, when he came home to you, with his shirt torn, because of a fight. "Oh darling, just wait here, I'll get you another one." You tell him, and you grab him another one, and give it to him, and when he takes his shirt off to change, you can't help but stare.

And he's about to put on the other shirt, when he notices your gaze, and he looks at you for a couple of moments, his eyes wide, before he laughs a little bit nervously. "You, you're quite focused, aren't you?" He says, and you blush brightly, pouting and looking away. 

"Well, I may be focused, but that's for a good reason. You look very pretty right now. You know that, don't you?" You ask him, and he shrugs, but before you know it, he's holding you, wrapping an arm around your waist, and then, he kisses your cheek. 

"You could tell me yourself while on, or at least try to prove it." He says, and looking into his eyes, you see a challenge, and you see an opportunity, and you decide to make a move. 

That's when you wrap your arms around him, and press soft little kisses to his chest. He's rather startled because he never thought that you would actually do something, and he blushes a little bit, before smiling, letting you do as you please, and enjoying every touch, every brush of your lips against his skin, and knowing that no matter how many times you do this, and no matter what else you do, he will always want more and more of you.

Maybe because he loved you too much, so much, that he felt like there was nothing in the world that would make it enough, no matter how much he gets from you.

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