You have wings and you get shot while flying

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The night sky stretched above as you soared through the air, the city lights below resembling a sprawling tapestry of stars. Bakugou, by your side, marveled at the sight. Your wings, a manifestation of an extraordinary power, granted you the freedom to explore the skies together.

"This is incredible, Y/N. Flying like this feels... damn amazing," Bakugou remarked, his voice filled with genuine awe.

You grinned, the wind rushing through your feathers. "Glad you're enjoying the view, Katsuki. It's one of the perks of having wings."

As the two of you glided through the night, the city lights became a mesmerizing display below. The world felt boundless, and for a moment, everything seemed perfect.

However, fate had a different plan.

Amidst the quiet beauty of the night, an unexpected danger emerged. A sudden burst of gunfire echoed through the air, and before you could react, pain seared through your wing. A cry escaped your lips as you lost control, spiraling downward.

Bakugou's eyes widened in horror as he watched you plummet. "Y/N! Hold on!"

He shot towards you, the air crackling with his explosive propulsion. Desperation fueled his movements as he caught up with your falling form, wrapping his arms around you. Together, you descended to the ground, the city lights now blurred streaks beneath you.

The impact was harsh, and the pain in your injured wing intensified. Bakugou, worry etched on his face, helped you to your feet. "Are you okay? What the hell happened?"

You winced, cradling your injured wing. "I got shot. I didn't see it coming."

Bakugou's eyes narrowed, a fierce determination taking over. "Those bastards are gonna pay for this."

Despite the pain, you managed a weak smile. "I'm okay, Katsuki. Let's just... figure out who did this."

As you limped through the city, the vibrant lights now a stark contrast to the turmoil within, Bakugou's anger fueled your shared mission. The city lights, once a backdrop to your joyous flight, now guided you towards justice.

Days passed as you both unraveled the mystery behind the attack. The city lights, seen from hospital windows during your recovery, seemed to reflect the resilience in your shared resolve. Bakugou, a constant presence by your side, ensured that every step towards recovery was a testament to your strength.

In the quiet moments of healing, you and Bakugou found solace in each other's company. The city lights outside, once a canvas for your flight, now bore witness to the unwavering bond that had only strengthened through adversity.

As your wings mended, Bakugou remained your steadfast support. The city lights, like beacons of hope, guided your journey towards reclaiming the skies. And when the day finally arrived for you to spread your wings again, Bakugou watched with pride as you soared above the city, the lights below illuminating the triumphant return of your flight.

The triumphant return to the skies marked a turning point in your journey. Bakugou, watching with pride as you soared above the city, felt a renewed sense of awe. The city lights, now a backdrop to your triumphant flight, seemed to celebrate the resilience that had brought you both through adversity.

As you glided through the night, the wind beneath your wings, Bakugou couldn't help but express his admiration. "You're damn amazing, Y/N. Nothing can keep you down."

You smiled, the city lights twinkling below. "With you by my side, there's nothing I can't overcome."

The city lights, like silent witnesses, accompanied you on your nightly flights. The bond between you and Bakugou, forged through challenges, became a testament to the strength of your love.

In the weeks that followed, you continued to explore the skies together. The city lights, once a breathtaking display, now seemed to dance in harmony with your flight. Bakugou, reveling in the newfound joy, marveled at the resilience that defined your spirit.

One evening, as you perched on a rooftop overlooking the city, Bakugou joined you, his eyes reflecting a mixture of admiration and affection. "You've come a long way, Y/N. I couldn't be prouder."

You leaned against him, feeling the warmth of his presence. "We've come a long way, Katsuki. And we'll keep going."

The city lights below stretched out like a sprawling galaxy, a reminder of the vast possibilities that lay ahead. Your wings, now stronger than ever, carried you both through the night, the city lights serving as beacons guiding you towards a future filled with shared adventures.

As you and Bakugou continued to navigate the skies together, the city lights became not only witnesses to your love story but also accomplices in the daring escapades you embarked on. The world beneath, illuminated by the city lights, seemed to hold endless possibilities.

The nights became a canvas for your shared adventures. Bakugou, with his fiery determination, and you, with your wings that sliced through the air, explored the city in ways only the two of you could. The city lights, like beacons of destiny, guided your path through the darkened skyline.

One night, as you both soared above the city, Bakugou couldn't contain his excitement. "Y/N, let's push the limits. See how high we can go!"

You grinned, feeling the exhilaration of the wind against your face. "You're on, Katsuki!"

Together, you climbed higher and higher, the city lights transforming into a dazzling spectacle beneath you. The world seemed to shrink as you ascended, and for a moment, you touched the stars.

As you descended, Bakugou wore a grin that mirrored your own. "Now that's what I call a damn good night."

The city lights below welcomed you back, their glow a familiar comfort. In those moments, it wasn't just about flying; it was about discovering new heights together. The city lights, like guardians of your secrets, witnessed the extraordinary love that soared beyond the ordinary.

In the quieter times, you and Bakugou found solace on a familiar rooftop, the city lights below casting a gentle glow on your silhouettes. The world felt still as you shared dreams, aspirations, and whispered promises. The city lights, like a silent audience, soaked in the essence of your love story.

One evening, as you sat together overlooking the city, Bakugou spoke with a soft sincerity. "Y/N, I never thought I'd find someone who makes me feel like this. Someone who challenges me to reach new heights."

You gazed at him, your heart echoing his sentiments. "Katsuki, you've made me believe that love can be as boundless as the sky."

The city lights below, now more than just witnesses, seemed to applaud the symphony of emotions that resonated between you. Each flicker below echoed the beats of your intertwined hearts.

As your love story continued to unfold, the city lights became an integral part of your narrative. They illuminated the path you walked together, casting a warm glow on the shared moments that made your relationship extraordinary.

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