You get migraines

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The vibrant city buzzed below as you and Bakugou navigated the streets, a familiar rhythm in your steps. Despite the chaotic hero life, the two of you found solace in the moments spent together. However, a persistent challenge lurked in the background—an uninvited guest that plagued your otherwise lively existence: migraines.

One evening, as you walked hand in hand with Bakugou, the city lights seemed to intensify, triggering the telltale signs of an impending migraine. You winced, squeezing your eyes shut against the pain.

Bakugou, ever perceptive, noticed your discomfort. "Hey, you alright?" he asked, concern etching his features.

"Just a headache," you dismissed, trying to downplay the intensity.

He raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Don't bullshit me, Y/N. You've been getting these damn migraines too often."

You sighed, realizing he wasn't going to let it go. "Okay, fine. It's more than just a headache. But I can handle it."

Bakugou frowned, his grip on your hand tightening. "Handle it? You shouldn't have to handle it alone. Let's get you home."

As you navigated the journey back, the city lights became an unwelcome source of discomfort, their brightness exacerbating your pain. Bakugou, silent but attentive, guided you to your apartment, the concern in his eyes unmistakable.

Once inside, he helped you lie down, his hand brushing against your forehead. "You need to see a doctor, Y/N. These migraines are getting worse."

You nodded, the throbbing in your head making coherent thoughts difficult. "I'll make an appointment."

In the days that followed, Bakugou accompanied you to the doctor, his protective demeanor a comforting presence. The diagnosis revealed triggers and potential treatments, but the migraines persisted, each episode a reminder of your vulnerability.

One evening, as you lay on the couch, Bakugou sat beside you, his fingers gently massaging your temples. "I hate seeing you like this," he admitted, frustration evident in his voice.

"I know, Katsuki. I hate it too," you whispered, the pain subsiding slightly under his touch.

He sighed, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. "We'll figure this out. I'm not letting those damn migraines control you."

As weeks turned into months, Bakugou became your unwavering support. From adjusting the lighting in your apartment to researching alternative therapies, he was determined to ease your suffering. The city lights, once a source of discomfort, now became a battleground against the migraines, and Bakugou was your fierce ally.

One day, as you both sat on the balcony, the city lights below casting a warm glow, Bakugou spoke from the heart. "I hate that I can't do more. But I'm here for you, Y/N."

You leaned into his side, appreciating the sincerity in his words. "Having you here means everything, Katsuki."

In the midst of the ongoing battle with migraines, your relationship with Bakugou deepened. He became not just a partner but a lifeline, navigating the ups and downs with unwavering determination. The city lights, once a trigger, now held a different significance—a testament to the resilience of your love.

One evening, after a particularly challenging day, Bakugou surprised you with a soft-spoken suggestion. "What if we take a break from the city lights? Maybe a weekend getaway to somewhere quiet?"

You smiled, touched by his thoughtfulness. "I'd love that, Katsuki."

And so, you both embarked on a retreat to a serene countryside, far from the bustling city. The quiet surroundings provided a reprieve, and as you and Bakugou strolled under the starlit sky, the absence of migraines became a gift in itself.

In the tranquil setting, Bakugou spoke, his voice a gentle murmur. "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're okay, Y/N. Migraines or not, we'll face it together."

As you leaned against him, the city lights a distant memory, you knew that with Bakugou by your side, even the most persistent challenges could be overcome. The love that blossomed amidst migraines and city lights became a testament to the strength of your bond.

The weekend getaway to the serene countryside became a turning point in your battle against migraines. The absence of the city lights seemed to bring a calm that had eluded you for so long. Bakugou, ever attentive, watched as you savored the quiet moments, free from the throbbing pain that often haunted your days.

Underneath the starlit sky, you and Bakugou strolled through nature's embrace, the cool breeze carrying away the remnants of stress. As you walked hand in hand, the shadows of migraines seemed to fade, replaced by the comforting presence of Bakugou.

"This was a great idea, Katsuki," you remarked, a genuine smile gracing your face.

He smirked, a rare softness in his gaze. "Told you. Sometimes, you need a break from the damn city."

As the weekend unfolded, Bakugou's determination to ensure your well-being took center stage. He meticulously planned activities, making sure to avoid potential triggers. The migraines, though not entirely eradicated, became less frequent, and with each passing day, a sense of normalcy returned.

One evening, as you both sat by a crackling fire, the stars above casting a mesmerizing glow, Bakugou spoke, his voice a comforting rumble. "I hate that you have to deal with this crap. But I'll be damned if I let it ruin everything for you."

You leaned against his shoulder, a silent acknowledgment of the strength you found in his unwavering support. "You make it easier, Katsuki. I don't feel alone in this."

He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his arms enveloping you in a protective embrace. "You're not alone, Y/N. Never."

The weekend retreat marked a shift in your perspective. With Bakugou by your side, the migraines became a challenge to overcome together, rather than an isolated battle. The quiet countryside, far from the city lights, became a sanctuary where love and understanding flourished.

As you returned to the bustling city, a renewed sense of hope filled your heart. Bakugou, true to his word, continued to be your pillar of support. The city lights, once a source of discomfort, now held a different meaning—a reminder of the strength you gained through adversity.

One day, as you both stood on the balcony, the city lights below illuminating the night, Bakugou spoke, his voice carrying a quiet determination. "We'll figure this out, Y/N. No more letting migraines control you."

You nodded, grateful for the resilience he inspired in you. "Together, Katsuki. Always."

The ongoing journey became a testament to the enduring nature of your love. Bakugou, the fiery hero both in and out of the office, continued to be the unwavering presence that turned every challenge into a triumph. The migraines, once a formidable foe, were met with the combined strength of your bond.

As the city lights below glittered like distant stars, you and Bakugou faced the future hand in hand, ready to conquer whatever challenges lay ahead. The love that bloomed amidst migraines and city lights became an unbreakable thread weaving through the tapestry of your shared existence.

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