You get kidnapped in front of him

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The city bustled with activity as you and Bakugou strolled through the crowded streets, the familiar glow of the evening lights casting a warm ambiance. It was a rare moment of peace for both of you, away from the chaos of hero life. As established lovers, these moments were cherished, a reminder of the connection you shared amidst the challenges you faced.

Suddenly, the tranquility shattered when a group of villains, masked and armed, emerged from the shadows. Panic flickered in the air as civilians scattered, realizing the impending danger. Bakugou instinctively moved in front of you, his body tense with readiness.

One of the villains, a sinister grin on his face, pointed a device at you. "Stand back, heroes, or the girl gets hurt."

Bakugou's eyes narrowed, his palms crackling with explosive energy. "Let her go, or I'll blast you to hell."

The villain laughed, unfazed by the threat. "Bold words, hero. How about a little demonstration?"

In an instant, your surroundings blurred as the villain activated the device, teleporting you into an unknown location. The shock of the sudden disappearance left Bakugou seething with rage.

"Y/N!" he roared, his voice echoing through the empty street. The remaining villains took advantage of the distraction, engaging Bakugou in a fierce battle.

Meanwhile, you found yourself in a dimly lit room, disoriented and surrounded by a cold, metallic atmosphere. The villains, apparently part of a kidnapping scheme, watched you with malicious satisfaction.

Back on the street, Bakugou fought with explosive fury. His determination to save you fueled every explosion, every fierce punch thrown at the villains. He dispatched them one by one, his eyes ablaze with a mixture of anger and worry for your safety.

As the last villain fell, defeated, Bakugou's attention snapped back to the spot where you once stood. Panic gripped his chest as he realized you were gone. Ignoring the throbbing pain from the battle, he sprinted towards the location where the villains had vanished with you.

Using his quirk to unleash explosive bursts, Bakugou tore through obstacles and barriers, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. His mind raced with thoughts of your well-being, the fear of losing you pushing him to the brink.

Meanwhile, in the unknown location, you assessed the situation. The room seemed like an abandoned warehouse, and the villains had left you restrained but otherwise unharmed. Determination fueled your thoughts as you considered a plan to escape.

Back in the city, Bakugou arrived at the spot where you disappeared. His eyes scanned the area, desperate for any clue. The realization that you were taken right in front of him gnawed at his soul, igniting a furious determination to bring you back.

He clenched his fists, his mind racing. "Hang on, Y/N. I'm coming for you."

As he followed the trail of destruction left by the villains, Bakugou's thoughts became a tumultuous mix of anger, worry, and a burning desire to reunite with you. The city lights, now a distant blur, witnessed the hero's relentless pursuit to rescue his love.

Bakugou's pursuit led him through the darker alleys of the city, the glow of the evening lights gradually fading as he approached a more desolate part of town. The urgency in his movements intensified, each explosive step echoing his determination to bring you back.

Meanwhile, you carefully observed your surroundings, taking note of any potential weaknesses in the restraints. The room, though foreboding, held a glimmer of hope as you planned your escape. The sounds of distant explosions reached your ears, signaling Bakugou's unyielding pursuit.

Back in the city, Bakugou's relentless search led him to a secluded warehouse. The remnants of the villains' teleportation device lay discarded on the ground, a testament to the chaos that had unfolded. With a growl, Bakugou burst through the warehouse doors, eyes scanning for any sign of you.

The villains, alerted by his entrance, prepared for a confrontation. Bakugou's rage was palpable, his explosions lighting up the dimly lit space as he confronted those who dared to take you away. The ensuing battle echoed through the warehouse, a clash of powers and determination.

In the room where you were held captive, the sounds of the skirmish reached your ears. Hope surged within you as you realized Bakugou was closing in. Gathering your strength, you executed your escape plan, using your quirk to loosen the restraints. The clatter of metal hitting the floor went unnoticed amidst the chaos outside.

As Bakugou fought through the villains, his focus never wavered. His mind raced with a singular purpose—to find you and ensure your safety. The villain who had orchestrated the kidnapping attempted to retreat, but Bakugou, fueled by an unyielding determination, cornered him.

"Where is she?" Bakugou demanded, his voice a fierce growl.

The villain, fear evident in his eyes, pointed towards the back of the warehouse. Bakugou, following the direction, burst through a door to find you standing, battered but resilient.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed, relief washing over him as he rushed to your side.

You met his gaze, a mix of gratitude and determination in your eyes. "Katsuki, I knew you'd come for me."

He gently embraced you, the tension of the ordeal slowly dissipating. "Damn right I did. No one messes with what's mine."

The villains defeated and the threat neutralized, Bakugou led you out of the warehouse. The city lights, now a welcome sight, illuminated your path as you walked together, the shared experience deepening the bond between you.

As you both made your way back to the bustling streets, Bakugou's protective arm around you, the city lights bore witness to a love that could withstand even the darkest challenges.

The night air was filled with a renewed sense of tranquility as you and Bakugou emerged from the dimly lit warehouse into the city's lively streets. The city lights, once a distant blur during the ordeal, now welcomed you back with their warm glow.

Bakugou's arm remained securely around you, a silent reassurance that you were safe. The shared experience, though harrowing, had cemented a deeper connection between you. As you walked together, the bustling city around you seemed to acknowledge the resilience of your love.

"I hate it when someone messes with you," Bakugou muttered, his grip tightening protectively.

You smiled, leaning into him. "I know, Katsuki. But we handled it together. That's what matters."

As you continued through the city, Bakugou's gaze never wavered from you, a silent promise to protect against any future threats. The night, which had started with danger and uncertainty, now became a testament to your unwavering bond.

Back at your apartment, the city lights created a comforting backdrop to the quiet moments you shared. Bakugou, usually brimming with explosive energy, seemed more subdued as he sat beside you. The events of the night lingered in the air, but so did the unspoken acknowledgment of your shared strength.

"Thanks for coming for me, Katsuki," you whispered, breaking the silence.

He looked at you, his eyes softening. "Always, Y/N. No one messes with what's mine."

The city lights outside continued their timeless dance, casting a gentle glow on the love that had faced adversity and emerged stronger. As you and Bakugou settled into the peace of the night, the unspoken promise of always standing together echoed in the quiet of your shared space.

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