You faint while arguing with him

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The tension in the air was palpable as you and Bakugou engaged in a heated argument. Words flew like sparks, each sentence a volley in the clash of wills.

"Why do you always have to be so damn stubborn, Katsuki? You never listen!" you exclaimed, frustration etching your features.

Bakugou, never one to back down, shot back, "Maybe if you weren't so damn reckless, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

The argument intensified, each word a sharp blade cutting through the air. The city lights outside seemed to flicker in response to the charged atmosphere within the room.

You felt the weight of the argument pressing on you, a surge of emotion threatening to overwhelm. As Bakugou continued to argue his point, you suddenly felt lightheaded, the world around you spinning.

"I can't believe you sometimes," Bakugou grumbled, unaware of the shift in your demeanor.

You tried to retort, but your vision blurred, and a sudden wave of dizziness hit you like a freight train. The room seemed to tilt, and you swayed on your feet.

Bakugou noticed the change, concern flickering in his eyes. "Y/N, you okay?"

You struggled to maintain composure, clutching onto a nearby surface for support. "I'm fine, just... give me a moment."

But the world continued to blur, and the edges of your vision darkened. Bakugou's voice became distant, as if echoing from a faraway place.

"Y/N!" His voice cut through the haze just before everything went black.

When you regained consciousness, you found yourself on the couch, the city lights outside casting a soft glow through the window. Bakugou sat beside you, his expression a mix of worry and relief.

"What the hell happened?" you groaned, rubbing your temples.

"You fainted. Idiot," Bakugou grumbled, but there was an undeniable undertone of concern in his voice.

You sighed, realizing the toll the argument had taken on you. "I guess we both got a bit carried away."

Bakugou huffed, but his features softened. "Yeah, well, next time, try not to pass out on me, dumbass."

You chuckled weakly, appreciating the attempt at humor. "Deal. Let's just... take it easy for a while."

The argument, now suspended in the air, hung between you like an unresolved chord. Bakugou, still visibly shaken by your fainting spell, spoke more softly, "We need to find a way to argue without you collapsing."

You nodded, a newfound understanding settling between you. "I know. Maybe we both need to tone it down a bit."

As the city lights outside continued to paint the night, you and Bakugou found yourselves in a shared moment of vulnerability. The argument had revealed the cracks in your communication, but it also presented an opportunity for growth.

Bakugou leaned closer, his hand gently cupping your cheek. "Don't scare me like that again, okay?"

You smiled, touched by the rare tenderness in his gesture. "I won't. We'll figure this out, Katsuki."

And so, beneath the glow of the city lights, you and Bakugou embraced the complexities of your relationship, navigating the challenges and learning to communicate in a way that wouldn't leave either of you breathless.

In the aftermath of the intense argument and your unexpected fainting spell, a new dynamic settled between you and Bakugou. The air, once charged with tension, now carried a weight of introspection and a shared determination to make things better.

Bakugou, still seated beside you on the couch, seemed to wrestle with his own thoughts. "I didn't mean for it to get this far, Y/N. I just... I get worked up."

You nodded, acknowledging the underlying issue. "And I get it, Katsuki. I know I can be reckless. We both have our faults."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Doesn't mean we have to kill each other with words."

The sincerity in his tone caught your attention. "No, it doesn't. We're both strong personalities, but we need to find a way to disagree without it turning into a battlefield."

Bakugou nodded, a rare humility in his gaze. "Yeah. I don't want you passing out on me every time we argue."

A small smile tugged at the corner of your lips. "Deal. Let's work on it together."

As the conversation shifted towards a more constructive tone, Bakugou leaned back, the lines of tension in his face gradually easing. The city lights outside, now a serene backdrop, seemed to witness the silent understanding that unfolded between you two.

In the days that followed, you and Bakugou made a conscious effort to communicate more effectively. Arguments, instead of escalating into a verbal battleground, became opportunities for compromise and growth. The city lights, a constant presence in your shared space, bore witness to the evolving dynamics of your relationship.

One evening, as you both sat on the balcony, the city lights below casting a soft glow, Bakugou spoke with a newfound sense of vulnerability. "I don't want to hurt you, Y/N. I just... I care too damn much."

You reached for his hand, intertwining your fingers. "I care about you too, Katsuki. We just need to find a balance."

He nodded, a silent agreement passing between you. The city lights, like stars in the night sky, seemed to echo the sentiment—a reminder that even in the midst of challenges, there was a shared journey to navigate.

As your relationship deepened, the glow of the city lights outside became a comforting constant. The lessons learned from that intense argument and fainting spell became a turning point, shaping a stronger and more resilient connection between you and Bakugou.

In the weeks that followed the transformative conversation on the balcony, you and Bakugou navigated the intricacies of your evolving relationship. The city lights, once witnesses to the intensity of your arguments, now painted a serene backdrop to the newfound understanding between you two.

Late one night, as you both sat in the living room, the glow from the city lights seeping through the curtains, Bakugou spoke in a more subdued tone. "I've been thinking about us, Y/N. We can't keep going like we did."

You nodded, appreciating his honesty. "Agreed. We need a healthier way to handle disagreements."

He sighed, a mix of frustration and determination in his eyes. "Maybe we should try talking before things get out of hand. Like, really talking."

You smiled, recognizing the significance of his suggestion. "I'm in, Katsuki. Let's make an effort to understand each other better."

And so, the commitment to open communication became the cornerstone of your relationship. The city lights, outside your window, seemed to approve of the newfound pact, casting a gentle glow on the shared moments of vulnerability and connection.

As days turned into months, you and Bakugou faced challenges head-on, armed with a renewed understanding and the determination to build a stronger foundation. The city lights became silent witnesses to the late-night conversations, laughter, and the occasional heartfelt apology that strengthened the bond between you two.

One evening, as you both stood on the balcony, the city lights below twinkling like a constellation, Bakugou spoke with a sincerity that echoed in the night air. "We're getting better at this, aren't we?"

You leaned against the railing, smiling. "Yeah, and we'll keep getting better. Together."

The city lights, a constant presence throughout your journey, seemed to echo the sentiment, a testament to the resilience of your love story. Beneath their soft glow, you and Bakugou embraced the ongoing evolution of your relationship, knowing that each challenge only brought you closer.

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