You faint a lot but then you find out you’re pregnant

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

You woke up one morning with an unusually intense pain in your stomach, a discomfort you couldn't shake. Bakugou, who was already up, noticed your wince and immediately came to your side.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concern etching his features.

"My stomach hurts. I don't know why," you admitted, clutching your abdomen.

Bakugou's eyes narrowed as he assessed you. "We should get you to Recovery Girl. Something's not right."

The visit to Recovery Girl didn't yield any clear answers. She couldn't pinpoint the cause of your pain and suggested it might be a stomach bug. Days passed, but instead of improving, your condition worsened. Vomiting became a frequent occurrence, and you found yourself passing out from the sheer exhaustion.

One evening, after another round of vomiting, Bakugou sat beside you, worry etched across his face. "This can't just be a bug. We need to figure out what's really going on."

You sighed, feeling defeated. "I don't know, Katsuki. It's like my whole body is rebelling against me."

He took your hand. "We'll get through this. I won't let anything happen to you."

The next day, you visited a specialist who ordered a series of tests. The wait for the results felt agonizing. Bakugou never left your side, offering a steady stream of encouragement.

Finally, the doctor called you both into the office. "It appears there was a mistake in the initial examination. Congratulations, you're pregnant."

The news hit you like a ton of bricks. Pregnant? The idea seemed surreal. Bakugou's eyes widened, a mix of shock and joy crossing his face.

"Pregnant?" he repeated, as if to confirm the reality of the situation.

You nodded, a mixture of emotions welling up inside you. "Yeah, pregnant."

Bakugou pulled you into a tight hug, a rare display of affection. "We're gonna be parents," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and excitement.

The following weeks brought a rollercoaster of emotions. Your health stabilized, and Bakugou became even more attentive, making sure you had everything you needed. As the reality of impending parenthood settled in, you both navigated the challenges together.

One night, as you lay in bed, Bakugou traced circles on your stomach. "I can't believe there's a little person growing in there."

You smiled, feeling a kick from within. "Our little hero in the making."

Bakugou chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Damn right. We're gonna raise a badass."

The journey through pregnancy brought its share of ups and downs, but you and Bakugou faced it all hand in hand. The pain in your stomach was now a reminder of the life growing inside you, a testament to the strength of your love and the new chapter awaiting both of you.

The following weeks unfolded in a flurry of doctor's appointments, baby scans, and Bakugou's unwavering concern. He practically became a walking encyclopedia on pregnancy, researching every possible symptom and precaution. His worry was palpable, his eyes scanning your every move as if afraid any misstep would harm the growing life within you.

One evening, as you curled up on the couch, Bakugou hovered nearby, a stack of pregnancy books in his hands. "You sure you're feeling okay? Do you need anything?"

You chuckled, appreciating his newfound dedication. "Katsuki, I'm fine. The doctor said everything looks good."

He frowned, sitting down beside you. "But what if they missed something? What if—"

You cut him off with a gentle kiss. "Bakugou, I love that you're concerned, but we need to trust the professionals. They know what they're doing."

He sighed, reluctantly accepting your reassurance. "I just... I can't help but worry. This is new territory for both of us."

You took his hand, placing it on your stomach. "We're in this together, remember? Our little hero is lucky to have a dad who cares so much."

A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I just want to make sure you and the baby are safe."

As the weeks turned into months, Bakugou's worry persisted but transformed into a different kind of excitement. He attended birthing classes with you, read parenting books cover to cover, and even helped set up the nursery with meticulous attention to detail.

One night, as you both lay in bed, he spoke softly, his hand resting on your belly. "I can't wait to meet our little badass. Do you think they'll have my explosions?"

You laughed, imagining a tiny version of Bakugou causing adorable little explosions. "Maybe. But I hope they inherit your determination and kindness too."

He grinned, pulling you closer. "Whatever they inherit, they'll be amazing. Just like their parents."

As your due date approached, Bakugou's excitement reached new heights. He packed and repacked the hospital bag, his nerves manifesting in his meticulous preparations. When the moment finally arrived, and you went into labor, his anxiety was palpable, but his support was unwavering.

In the delivery room, as he held your hand, you both heard the first cries of your newborn. The tears in Bakugou's eyes mirrored the overwhelming joy in your own. As the nurse placed the baby in your arms, Bakugou's expression shifted from worry to pure love.

"Our little hero," he whispered, gently caressing the tiny fingers of your newborn.

In that moment, as you and Bakugou embraced the newest member of your family, you realized that the journey from the intense pain in your stomach to the joyous arrival of your baby was a testament to the strength of your love and the unbreakable bond that now extended to the next generation.

In the days that followed, your home transformed into a haven of baby giggles, sleepless nights, and the sweet chaos that came with parenthood. Bakugou, once the epitome of explosive heroism, now cradled your newborn with a gentleness that took your breath away.

Late one night, as you both sat in the dim glow of the nursery, Bakugou spoke softly, his gaze fixed on the tiny bundle in his arms. "They're amazing, just like you said."

You smiled, exhaustion and joy intermingling. "Our little hero takes after their dad, too."

Bakugou chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Guess they got the best of both worlds."

As your baby grew, so did the love between you and Bakugou. The worry that once etched his features transformed into the quiet confidence of a parent who had weathered the storm. Every milestone, from the first steps to the first word, became a celebration of the life you had created together.

One evening, as you all sat on the living room floor, surrounded by toys and laughter, Bakugou looked at you with a twinkle in his eye. "We did good, didn't we?"

You nodded, feeling a warmth in your heart. "We did more than good, Katsuki. We built a family."

He leaned in, stealing a kiss amidst the chaos of baby giggles. "I love you, and I love our little hero."

As the years unfolded, your home became a testament to the joy, challenges, and love that defined your family. Bakugou's worry had transformed into a deep-rooted sense of protection, a commitment to nurturing the incredible individual your child was becoming.

And so, in the quiet moments of bedtime stories, shared laughter, and the soft lullabies that echoed through your home, you marveled at the journey from the intense pain in your stomach to the unbreakable bond that now extended through generations—the legacy of a love that had grown stronger with each passing day.

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