You call him while you're drunk

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The night is filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses as you celebrate with friends. However, as the evening progresses, the alcohol takes its toll. Feeling a bit more courageous, you decide it's the perfect time to call your boyfriend, Bakugou.

You fumble with your phone, scrolling through contacts until you find his name. The device rings a few times before he answers with a gruff, "What?"

"GUESS WHAT, KATSUKI!" you exclaim, your words slurring a bit.

There's a pause on the other end. "What the hell? Are you drunk?" Bakugou's voice is a mix of concern and annoyance.

"Maybe... but guess what?" you repeat, a mischievous grin spreading across your face, even though he can't see it.

"I don't have time for guessing games. Spit it out," he demands.

"I love you!" you declare loudly, not bothering to lower your voice.

Bakugou sighs, a mix of exasperation and fondness in his tone. "Yeah, yeah, idiot. I love you too. Now, what's the point of this call?"

"I just wanted to tell you how much I love you," you say, your words sincere despite the drunken slur.

"You could've done that tomorrow when you're not three sheets to the wind," he replies, but there's a softness in his voice that betrays his tough exterior.

"But it's more fun this way!" you insist, giggling uncontrollably.

Bakugou grumbles, "You're lucky I love your drunk ass. Now, are you with someone? I don't want you doing something stupid."

"Nope! Just me and my drink... and maybe a few friends," you admit, looking around to confirm your statement.

He sighs again, "Fine, just take it easy. I don't want to deal with a hangover tomorrow."

"You're the best, Katsuki!" you cheer, feeling an overwhelming surge of affection.

"Go to bed, idiot," he orders, but there's a warmth in his words.

As the call ends, you flop onto a nearby couch, feeling content. The alcohol-induced bravery allowed you to express your love, and despite the initial gruffness, Bakugou's concern and affection shone through. You drift into a tipsy slumber, grateful for the established love that weathers even the quirkiest expressions of affection.

The next morning, you wake up with a slight headache and a fuzzy memory of the previous night's revelry. As you reach for your phone, you notice a message from Bakugou:

"Are you alive, idiot?"

You chuckle at his typical bluntness and reply, "Barely. Thanks for putting up with my drunk self last night."

His response comes quickly, "It's what I signed up for, apparently. Headache?"

You groan, "Yeah, a pretty nasty one. How did you know?"

"Because you're an idiot who can't handle your alcohol. Drink some water and take it easy today," he advises, his concern evident even through text.

You follow his advice, nursing your hangover and reminiscing about the drunken call. Later in the day, you decide to bring it up when you call him.

"Hey, Katsuki. About last night..." you start, a hint of embarrassment in your voice.

He cuts you off, "Yeah, yeah, you were drunk. I already knew that. Don't make a big deal out of it."

You chuckle, "I just wanted to say thanks for not getting too mad. And for being... you know, sweet."

He grumbles, "Sweet? I don't do sweet."

"Oh, come on. Admit it, you were a bit sweet," you tease.

He sighs, "Whatever. Just don't make a habit out of drunk dialing me. I've got better things to do."

As the conversation continues, you both share laughter and casual banter, the easygoing familiarity of your relationship shining through. Despite his tough exterior, Bakugou's care and affection are evident in the way he checks up on you, both during the hangover and in your inebriated state the night before.

Days pass, and the drunken call becomes a lighthearted memory between you two. Bakugou might not admit it outright, but the incident seems to have brought you even closer. You cherish the established love that allows for both serious and silly moments, and you can't help but smile, thinking about the gruff but caring nature of your explosive hero.

A few days after the drunken call, you find yourself standing in front of Bakugou's apartment door, a small bag of snacks in hand. You've decided to surprise him and spend some quality time together. You take a deep breath and knock.

Bakugou opens the door, looking slightly surprised to see you. "What are you doing here?" he asks, his usual gruff demeanor in place.

You give him a sly grin, "Thought I'd pay a visit. Got snacks and everything."

He rolls his eyes but steps aside to let you in. "Whatever. Don't get in my way."

The apartment is neat and organized, a stark contrast to Bakugou's explosive personality. You settle on the couch, and he eyes the bag of snacks. "What's all this?" he questions, though there's a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"Just thought we could hang out, watch some movies, and enjoy some snacks," you say, offering a bag of chips.

He takes them, muttering a begrudging "thanks" before sitting down next to you. As the movie starts, you find yourselves engrossed in the plot, occasionally sharing a comment or two.

Midway through the movie, Bakugou glances at you. "This doesn't mean I'm soft or anything. I just didn't have anything better to do."

You smirk, "Sure, Katsuki. Whatever you say."

As the night progresses, you both share more laughs and relaxed moments. The initial awkwardness fades away, replaced by the comfort of each other's company. You're reminded of the unique balance your relationship holds – the explosive hero with a gruff exterior and the caring partner who knows how to navigate through it.

When it's time for you to leave, Bakugou walks you to the door. "You better not make this a regular thing," he warns, but there's a subtle warmth in his eyes.

You playfully salute, "Understood, Captain Explosion Murder. Thanks for letting me crash your fortress."

He smirks, "Just get out of here, idiot."

As you walk away from his apartment, you can't help but feel grateful for the established love that allows you to share both the serious and the lighthearted moments. The drunken call might have been an unexpected event, but it turned into a memory that brought you even closer. And as you look forward to more shared moments, you can't help but appreciate the gruff but caring nature of your explosive hero.

In the following days, you and Bakugou continue to navigate the intricacies of your relationship, appreciating the depth and warmth that comes from understanding each other's quirks. The surprise visit becomes a precursor to more impromptu hangouts, and you both find joy in the simple moments spent together.

One evening, as you share a quiet dinner, Bakugou looks at you with a rare softness in his eyes. "You're not as annoying as I thought," he admits, earning a playful smirk from you.

"Well, Captain Explosion Murder, you're not so bad yourself," you tease.

He rolls his eyes, but there's a hint of a smile. "Don't push it, idiot."

As time passes, the drunken call becomes a tale you both fondly reminisce about, a shared memory that adds another layer to your unique love story. Whether it's facing challenges or enjoying a quiet night in, your connection with Bakugou continues to grow, proving that sometimes the unexpected moments are the ones that strengthen the bonds of established lovers.

And so, in the warmth of each other's presence, you find comfort in the gruff but caring nature of your explosive hero, looking forward to the many more adventures and surprises that await in your shared journey.

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