You both get kidnapped and you get hurt

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

 The city sprawled beneath you, its vibrant lights shimmering like stars as you and Bakugou patrolled the night as heroes. As established lovers, the rhythm of your partnership was familiar and comforting. Little did you know, the night would soon take an unexpected turn.

A shadowy figure emerged, cloaked in darkness, and before you could react, a blinding light enveloped you both. Disoriented, you found yourself in an unfamiliar location, your surroundings dimly lit. Panic surged as you realized Bakugou was nowhere in sight.

"Y/N!" you heard his voice, a mix of anger and concern, echoing through the enclosed space.

A sinister figure revealed themselves, a wicked grin stretching across their face. "Welcome, heroes. I'm sure you're wondering where your explosive friend is. Don't worry; he's safe. For now."

As you strained against the restraints, the figure explained their twisted motive. "You see, heroes, we've been watching you. And we've decided to send a little message to the so-called 'protectors' of this city."

The next moment felt like an eternity as Bakugou was forcibly separated from you, his protests muffled by the oppressive atmosphere. Alone and vulnerable, you felt a pang of fear, your mind racing with thoughts of Bakugou's safety.

The figure circled you, malicious intent in their gaze. "Let's see how heroic you truly are, Y/N."

Panic and determination waged a battle within you. "What do you want?" you demanded, your voice a shaky but defiant whisper.

"We want to expose the weakness of heroes," they sneered. "And what better way than by breaking their spirit through the one they hold dear?"

The subsequent moments blurred into a chaotic nightmare. The figure subjected you to physical torment, each pain a testament to the vulnerability of heroes. Yet, through the agony, you clung to the hope that Bakugou would emerge unscathed.

Back in the city, Bakugou, restrained and forced to witness your suffering, seethed with a rage that threatened to consume him. The city lights below flickered, mirroring the intensity of his emotions.

As the ordeal continued, Bakugou's eyes never left you. "I swear, if you touch them again, I'll kill you," he snarled, his voice a low growl.

The figure, reveling in the chaos, chuckled. "Such bravado. Let's see if it holds when your precious hero is broken."

Days passed, the torment seemingly endless. The city lights below bore witness to the resilience of a hero's spirit in the face of unspeakable pain. Yet, with each passing moment, the physical toll weighed heavier.

One night, as you lay in the cold, dimly lit room, battered and bruised, a faint whisper reached your ears. "Y/N, I'm here. Hold on," Bakugou's voice, filled with determination, cut through the darkness.

The room's door burst open, and Bakugou, finally free from his restraints, rushed to your side. His eyes, a fiery mix of rage and concern, met yours. "I'm getting you out of here."

As he carried you to safety, the city lights below seemed to brighten, as if celebrating the triumph of heroes over darkness. Bakugou's unwavering support, despite the agony you endured, became a beacon of strength.

In the aftermath, as you both recovered from the physical and emotional wounds, the city lights continued to illuminate your path forward. The resilience of your love, tested by the darkest of challenges, emerged stronger, a testament to the unbreakable bond between you and Bakugou.

In the days that followed, the scars of the ordeal lingered both physically and emotionally. The city lights, once a source of comfort during patrols, now held a different significance—a reminder of the night that sought to break the heroes but only strengthened their resolve.

Bakugou, usually explosive in both personality and actions, now moved with a restrained fury. The echoes of your pain fueled his determination to uncover those responsible for your suffering. The city lights below seemed to reflect the fire within him, an unyielding determination to bring justice.

Together, you and Bakugou delved into an investigation, following every lead with a tenacity that matched his explosive quirk. The city became a labyrinth of secrets, each alley and street holding the potential clue that would lead you to those who dared to challenge heroes.

As you pieced together the puzzle, Bakugou's demeanor shifted. He became a quiet storm, his eyes holding a depth of emotions that spoke of the vulnerability hidden beneath his tough exterior. The city lights, now witness to your shared pursuit of justice, became a symbol of the resilience of heroes.

One evening, as you both gathered evidence in a dimly lit hideout, Bakugou spoke, his voice a low growl. "They'll pay for what they did to you, Y/N. I won't rest until they're brought to justice."

You placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, acknowledging the pain he carried. "We'll do this together, Katsuki. No one can break us."

The investigation reached its climax in a confrontation with the perpetrators. The city lights flickered with anticipation as you and Bakugou faced those who had sought to break heroes. The battle was fierce, a clash of powers and determination echoing through the night.

In the midst of the chaos, you locked eyes with Bakugou. The unspoken understanding between you fueled a shared strength that transcended the physical blows exchanged in the fight. The city lights, a witness to your resilience, seemed to burn brighter.

As the villains were subdued, Bakugou turned to you, his eyes softened with a mixture of relief and tenderness. "It's over, Y/N. We did it."

You nodded, a sense of closure settling over you. The city lights outside illuminated a path forward, one that symbolized not only victory over adversity but the enduring strength of your love.

In the aftermath, as you and Bakugou stood together under the city lights, a renewed sense of purpose enveloped you. The scars, both physical and emotional, became markers of resilience, etched into your journey as heroes.

In the quiet aftermath, the city lights below shimmered, casting a serene glow over the scene. Bakugou, his usual fiery intensity replaced by a quiet resolve, turned to you with a softness in his gaze. "We made it through, Y/N. You're strong as hell."

You smiled, feeling the weight of the ordeal lifting. "We both are, Katsuki. Together."

As you both made your way back to the bustling streets, the city lights bore witness to your triumphant return. The scars you carried became badges of honor, testaments to your resilience and the unbreakable bond between you and Bakugou.

In the days that followed, the city returned to its usual rhythm, but the experience left an indelible mark on both of you. Bakugou's protective instincts became a constant, a silent promise that echoed through every patrol and shared moment.

One evening, as you stood together on a rooftop, the city lights below stretching as far as the eye could see, Bakugou spoke from the heart. "We faced the worst, Y/N. But we're still here, and we're stronger than ever."

You nodded, appreciating the depth of your connection. "Stronger and ready for whatever comes our way."

The city lights, a silent witness to your journey, seemed to twinkle in agreement. As you and Bakugou embraced the challenges ahead, the scars of the past became reminders of your strength, and the love that emerged victorious under the city lights.

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