You are pregnant and you get attacked

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The soft glow of city lights filtered through the curtains as you and Bakugou settled into the comfort of your shared apartment. The air was filled with a warmth that matched the love you both felt, a love that had grown stronger over time. In the quiet of the evening, you decided it was finally time to share some exciting news with Bakugou.

"Katsuki, there's something I need to tell you," you began, a nervous but happy smile playing on your lips.

He looked up from the hero magazine he was reading, a curious expression on his face. "What's up?"

Taking a deep breath, you revealed, "I'm pregnant, Katsuki. We're going to be parents."

For a moment, silence filled the room as Bakugou processed the news. Then, a wide grin spread across his face, his eyes lighting up with a mixture of surprise and joy. "Pregnant? Seriously?"

You nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and relief. "Yes, seriously. We're going to have a baby."

Bakugou jumped up from his seat, a burst of energy coursing through him. "Damn, Y/N, that's incredible news! I'm gonna be a dad!"

He scooped you up in his arms, spinning you around as you both laughed, the joy of the moment creating a memory that would forever be etched in your hearts.

As the weeks passed, the apartment transformed in anticipation of the new addition to your family. Bakugou, though initially surprised, threw himself into preparing for parenthood with the same determination he approached hero work.

One peaceful evening, as you both lounged on the couch, discussing potential baby names, a sudden chill filled the room. The air crackled with an ominous energy, and before you could react, the window shattered, revealing the menacing figure of a villain.

Bakugou shielded you instinctively, his body tensed as he assessed the threat. "Stay behind me, Y/N. I won't let anyone hurt you."

The villain, a sinister grin on their face, taunted, "Well, well, if it isn't the great Bakugou. I've got a score to settle with you, and what better way than hurting what you love?"

Your heart pounded as fear and protectiveness surged within Bakugou. "Stay close, Y/N. I'll handle this."

But as Bakugou prepared to face the villain, a surge of pain rippled through you. Clutching your abdomen, you gasped, "Katsuki, something's wrong."

His eyes widened with concern, torn between the imminent threat and your well-being. "What? Y/N, hold on. I'll deal with this bastard and get you to a hospital."

As Bakugou confronted the villain, a fierce battle unfolded within and outside the apartment. The villain, however, seemed to relish in the chaos, launching attacks with a malicious glee.

You, struggling to stand, felt the weight of the situation. "Katsuki, I can't wait. The baby—"

Bakugou, mid-explosion, glanced back at you, urgency in his eyes. "Hold on, Y/N. We're getting out of here."

With a burst of speed, he grabbed your hand, dodging the villain's attacks as he led you out of the apartment. The city lights, usually a comforting presence, now cast shadows on the tumultuous scene.

In the midst of chaos, Bakugou managed to contact other heroes for assistance. The battle raged on, and your pain intensified. Bakugou, torn between fighting the villain and ensuring your safety, struggled to find a balance.

Amidst the clash of powers and the cacophony of battle, you whispered, "Katsuki, just get me to safety. We can deal with the villain later."

He nodded, determination in his eyes. "Hang in there, Y/N. I'm getting you out of here."

As you reached a safer location, Bakugou, his hero instincts still on high alert, stayed by your side. "Y/N, I'll deal with this villain, and then we're heading straight to the hospital. You and the baby come first."

The battle outside continued, but in that moment, your focus was on each other. Bakugou, his love for you evident in his actions, vowed to protect not only the city but also the precious life growing within you.

As Bakugou led you to a safer place, the pain in your abdomen intensified, causing you to gasp. Concern etched across his face, Bakugou gently guided you to sit, his eyes scanning your face for any signs of distress.

"Y/N, hang in there. I'll call for an ambulance," Bakugou said, his voice filled with urgency.

You nodded, gripping his hand tightly. "Just make sure the baby is okay, Katsuki."

Bakugou dialed the emergency services, relaying the situation with a mix of frustration and determination. As he finished the call, he crouched beside you, his hand gently resting on your belly.

"They're on their way. Just hold on a bit longer," he reassured, his eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and determination.

The distant sounds of the ongoing battle between Bakugou and the villain echoed in the background, a reminder of the chaos that threatened to consume your peaceful evening. However, in this moment, all that mattered was the life growing within you.

As you clutched Bakugou's hand, the city lights continued to cast their glow, indifferent to the struggles taking place. It felt like an eternity before the ambulance arrived, its flashing lights cutting through the night. The paramedics swiftly took over, assessing your condition and preparing you for transport.

Bakugou, his eyes never leaving you, vowed, "I'll be right behind you, Y/N. We're going to get through this together."

In the ambulance, the pain persisted, but Bakugou remained a constant presence by your side. His hand never left yours, providing a grounding force amidst the whirlwind of uncertainty.

Upon reaching the hospital, the medical team took immediate action. Bakugou, his worry etched across his face, paced in the waiting room, his thoughts consumed by the well-being of both you and the unborn child.

Time seemed to stretch, each passing moment intensifying the weight of anticipation. Finally, a doctor emerged, and Bakugou rushed to them, his voice tight with worry. "How are they? Is Y/N okay? Is the baby okay?"

The doctor offered a reassuring smile, "Y/N is stable, and we managed to stabilize the situation. As for the baby, we'll need to monitor closely, but things are looking promising."

Relief washed over Bakugou, and he sank into a nearby chair, his hand running through his hair. "Thank God."

You were eventually moved to a recovery room, where Bakugou was allowed to join you. The exhaustion in both your eyes was evident, but the relief of knowing that you and the baby were safe brought a sense of calm.

Bakugou took your hand, his grip gentle yet filled with an unspoken promise. "I thought I was going to lose you both. I can't... I can't lose what means everything to me."

You smiled weakly, "We're okay, Katsuki. We made it through."

The days that followed were a mix of hospital visits, check-ups, and moments of quiet bonding between you and Bakugou. The baby, resilient in the face of the unexpected turmoil, seemed to thrive.

One evening, as you both stood by the hospital window, gazing at the city lights below, Bakugou spoke, his voice a soft murmur. "I'll always protect you, Y/N. Both of you."

You leaned into him, the city lights outside reflecting in your eyes. "And we'll always be here for you, Katsuki. No matter what comes our way."

The journey of parenthood, though unexpected and fraught with challenges, only strengthened the bond between you and Bakugou. The city lights, silent witnesses to the tumultuous events, now cast a comforting glow on a family that had overcome adversity together.

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