Mineta lifts up your skirt

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

You're enjoying a casual day at U.A. High School, walking alongside Bakugou as you make your way to the cafeteria. The sun is shining, and the atmosphere is filled with the usual chatter of students going about their day.

As you approach the cafeteria entrance, you feel a sudden, unwarranted breeze. Confused, you glance around, only to notice Mineta smirking mischievously behind you. Your eyes widen as you realize he just lifted up your skirt.

"What the hell, Mineta?!" you exclaim, quickly pulling your skirt back down, a flush of embarrassment coloring your cheeks.

Bakugou, walking beside you, immediately catches on to the situation. His eyes narrow, and his expression turns deadly serious. "Oi, what's your problem, Grape Head?" he growls at Mineta.

Mineta laughs nervously, "Just having some fun, Bakugou. No harm done."

Bakugou steps closer, his temper rising. "Fun? You think it's fun to mess with my girl? You've got a death wish, huh?"

You place a calming hand on Bakugou's arm, "Katsuki, let it go. He's not worth it."

Mineta, sensing the impending explosion, tries to defuse the situation, "Come on, Bakugou, I was just joking. Don't get all explosive on me."

Bakugou clenches his fists, visibly restraining himself. "You're lucky she stopped me. Don't let me catch you doing shit like that again."

Mineta stammers an apology as you guide Bakugou away from the scene. Once you're out of earshot, he turns to you, concern etched on his face. "Are you okay?"

You nod, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just some stupid prank. Let's not let it ruin our day."

Bakugou grumbles, "I should've blown him to bits. Idiot needs to learn some respect."

You chuckle, "As much as I appreciate the protective instinct, let's focus on having a good lunch instead, okay?"

He nods, the tension in his shoulders easing. "Fine, but if that perv tries anything again, I won't hold back."

The two of you enter the cafeteria, finding a quiet spot to sit. As you enjoy your meal, Bakugou's annoyance gradually fades, replaced by the comfort of being with someone who genuinely cares about you.

After lunch, as you walk together to your next class, Bakugou speaks up, "Sorry about earlier. Should've shut that pervert down properly."

You smile, "No need to apologize, Katsuki. I know you've got my back, and that's more than enough for me."

He grumbles, "Well, I'm not letting anyone mess with you. You're mine, got it?"

You playfully roll your eyes, "Got it, Katsuki. Just promise me no explosions in the hallway, okay?"

He smirks, "No promises, but I'll keep it in check for you."

And so, with a shared understanding and a bond that weathers even the most unexpected incidents, you and Bakugou continue your day at U.A., grateful for the strength and security found in your established love.

As the day progresses, you and Bakugou attend your classes, the incident with Mineta fading into the background. The familiarity and comfort of your established relationship shine through, and Bakugou's protective nature becomes more evident.

During a break between classes, you find yourselves in the school courtyard, basking in the sunlight. Bakugou wraps an arm around your shoulders, a silent reassurance that lingers even after the lunchtime incident.

"Katsuki, thank you for handling Mineta back there," you say, leaning into his side.

He grunts in response, "Tch, didn't do anything special. No one messes with what's mine."

You chuckle, "I appreciate it nonetheless. You always make me feel safe."

He smirks, "Damn right. Gotta keep my idiot safe from perverts and troublemakers."

The bell rings, signaling the end of the break, and you both head to your next class. Throughout the day, the incident becomes a distant memory, and the normalcy of your routine resumes.

After classes conclude, you and Bakugou decide to spend some time at the school's training grounds. It's a shared passion that strengthens your bond. As you practice your quirks, Bakugou's explosive abilities lighting up the training area, you can't help but marvel at the power and determination he exudes.

"You're improving, dumbass," he remarks, a rare compliment from him.

You grin, "Well, I have a great teacher."

As the sun sets, casting a warm glow over the training grounds, you and Bakugou decide to head back to the dorms. The incident with Mineta is now a mere footnote in the story of your day.

Later that evening, you find yourselves in Bakugou's room, enjoying a quiet moment together. The events of the day have brought you even closer, reinforcing the strength of your connection.

Bakugou glances at you, his usual fiery gaze softened. "I won't let anyone mess with you. Not now, not ever," he states, his words carrying a sincerity that warms your heart.

You reach for his hand, intertwining your fingers. "I know, Katsuki. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

As the night unfolds, you and Bakugou share laughter, affection, and the reassurance that comes from being with someone who understands and cares for you deeply. The incident with Mineta becomes just a blip in the grander story of your established love, a love that continues to grow stronger with each passing day.

In the gentle ambiance of Bakugou's room, you and he continue to revel in the comfort of each other's company. The dim glow of the evening light casts a warm aura over the room, and the day's events seem like distant echoes compared to the closeness you share.

Bakugou, typically reserved in his emotions, finds himself opening up a bit more. "You know," he starts, his tone softer than usual, "I can't stand the thought of anyone making you uncomfortable."

You smile, appreciating the vulnerability in his words. "I know, Katsuki. And I appreciate it more than you realize."

He grumbles, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks, "Yeah, well, you're important to me. Can't have idiots like Mineta messing with you."

Your heart swells with affection for the fiery hero beside you. "You don't have to worry, Katsuki. I feel safe when I'm with you."

He gives you a small, genuine smile, a rare sight that makes your heart skip a beat. "Good. That's how it should be."

As the night progresses, you and Bakugou share stories, dreams, and quiet moments that further strengthen the bond between you. The incident with Mineta is gradually overshadowed by the depth of your connection, a connection that has weathered challenges and grown resilient.

Before you know it, the night has deepened, and the tranquility of the dorms settles in. Bakugou walks you back to your room, his hand securely intertwined with yours. As you reach your door, he stops, looking at you with a sincerity that speaks volumes.

"I mean it, Y/N. I'll always be there for you," he says, his crimson eyes filled with a warmth that transcends his tough exterior.

You lean in, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. "And I'll always be there for you, Katsuki. No matter what."

With a final exchange of affectionate glances, you enter your room, feeling a profound sense of gratitude for the established love that defines your relationship with Bakugou. As you settle into bed, you reflect on the events of the day, realizing that even in the face of unexpected challenges, your love with Bakugou only grows stronger, and the bond you share continues to flourish.

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