How to write fanfic

Image of an open book with Japanese writing on it

Writing fanfiction can be a fun and creative endeavor. Here are some general steps and tips to help you get started with writing fanfiction:

1. Choose Your Fandom:

Select a fandom you are passionate about. It could be a book, movie, TV show, video game, or any other form of media.

2. Know Your Characters:

Familiarize yourself with the characters you want to include in your story. Understand their personalities, motivations, and relationships.

3. Decide on the Setting:

Determine the setting and timeline of your fanfiction. It could take place within the existing universe of the original work or explore an alternative universe (AU).

4. Identify the Central Theme or Plot:

Decide on the central theme or plot of your story. What do you want to explore or achieve in your fanfiction?

5. Plan Your Story:

Create a basic outline of your story. Consider the beginning, middle, and end. This doesn't need to be detailed, but it can serve as a roadmap for your writing.

6. Maintain Consistency:

Stay consistent with the established lore and rules of the original work. This includes the personalities of characters, the world-building, and any established events.

7. Add Your Unique Twist:

While staying true to the source material, add your own unique elements. Explore "what if" scenarios or introduce new characters and subplots.

8. Develop Character Relationships:

Explore and develop relationships between characters. This is often a significant aspect of fanfiction, and readers may be interested in seeing different dynamics.

9. Write Engaging Dialogue:

Focus on writing engaging and authentic dialogue. Pay attention to the way characters speak in the original work, but also inject your own style.

10. Consider Point of View:

Decide on the point of view (POV) for your story. Will you write in the first person, third person, or even experiment with different perspectives?

11. Get Feedback:

Share your work with fellow fans or writing communities. Constructive feedback can help you improve your writing and gain new perspectives.

12. Respect Source Material:

Be respectful of the source material and the creators. Follow any guidelines or rules set by the original creators regarding fan-created content.

13. Edit and Revise:

After completing a draft, take the time to edit and revise. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and overall coherence.

14. Consider Posting Platforms:

Decide where you want to share your fanfiction. Popular platforms include Archive of Our Own (AO3),, or even personal blogs.

15. Engage with the Community:

Participate in fanfiction communities. Engaging with other fans can be rewarding and provide inspiration for future writing.

Remember, fanfiction is a creative space, and there are no strict rules. Enjoy the process of exploring and expanding upon the worlds and characters you love.

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