He tells you he regrets dating you

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The city lights painted a serene glow through the curtains as you and Bakugou found a rare moment of tranquility in your shared apartment. The day had been filled with the usual chaos of hero work, and now, in the quiet of the evening, you both sought solace in each other's company.

As you settled on the couch, Bakugou's expression seemed unusually serious. Sensing something amiss, you looked at him, concern knitting your brows. "Katsuki, what's on your mind?"

He sighed, his gaze distant. "We need to talk, Y/N."

Your heart skipped a beat, worry intensifying. "Alright, what's going on?"

Bakugou hesitated for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully. "I've been thinking a lot, and... I regret dating you."

The words hung in the air, a heavy silence enveloping the room. You stared at him, unable to comprehend the sudden revelation. "What? Katsuki, what do you mean?"

He avoided your gaze, his jaw tense. "I regret it because I'm holding you back. My life is too damn chaotic, and being with me just means you have to deal with all the shit that comes my way."

Confusion and hurt welled up inside you. "Katsuki, I chose to be with you. I love you, and I've never regretted it."

He shook his head, frustration evident. "That's the problem. You deserve better. Someone who can give you a stable life, not a hero whose every day is a damn battlefield."

Tears stung your eyes, a mix of emotions swirling within. "So, what, Katsuki? You're breaking up with me because you think I deserve better?"

Bakugou clenched his fists, a visible struggle in his expression. "I... I don't want you to waste your life on someone like me. I can't offer you the kind of future you deserve."

You took a deep breath, trying to steady your voice. "Katsuki, I chose this. I chose you. I know the risks, and I love you despite them. Don't make decisions for me."

He ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his face. "Y/N, you're too damn good for me. I can't stand the thought of dragging you down."

You reached for his hand, desperate to bridge the growing distance. "Katsuki, we face challenges together. That's what makes us strong. Don't push me away because you think it's best for me."

He looked at you, his eyes reflecting a mix of regret and determination. "I don't want to hurt you, Y/N. But maybe staying with me is doing just that."

You shook your head, tears streaming down your face. "The only thing that's hurting me is you pushing me away. If you're going through something, let me help. Don't shut me out."

Bakugou's resolve seemed to waver, a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes. "I just... I don't want you to regret choosing me."

You cupped his face, wiping away a tear that escaped his eye. "I don't. I never will. We face the world together, Katsuki. Let me be there for you."

As the weight of the conversation settled, Bakugou's resistance crumbled. He pulled you into a tight embrace, as if afraid to let go. The city lights outside, oblivious to the emotional storm within, continued their timeless dance.

The night unfolded with shared tears and whispered assurances, a testament to the complexities of love and the determination to weather storms together.

Days passed, and the emotional turbulence between you and Bakugou lingered in the air. The apartment that once felt like a sanctuary now carried the weight of unspoken words and lingering doubts. Each interaction was strained, the shared laughter replaced by an awkward silence.

One evening, as you both sat on opposite ends of the couch, the city lights outside casting a melancholic glow, Bakugou finally broke the silence. "Y/N, we need to talk about this. We can't keep avoiding it."

You nodded, your gaze fixed on your hands. "I know. But what is there to say, Katsuki? You regret being with me. How do we come back from that?"

He ran a hand through his hair, a frustrated sigh escaping his lips. "I messed up. I shouldn't have said that. It's just... I can't help but think I'm dragging you down."

Tears welled up in your eyes, the hurt still fresh. "So, what now? Are you saying we can't be together?"

Bakugou looked at you, desperation in his eyes. "No, that's not what I'm saying. I just... I need time to figure things out. I can't lose you, but I don't want to be the reason you're unhappy."

The vulnerability in his voice tugged at your heart. "Katsuki, I love you. I chose this, and I choose you every day. But you pushing me away is making it impossible."

He sighed, a mixture of frustration and regret in his expression. "I don't want to push you away. I just don't want you to look back and regret being with me."

You took a deep breath, the weight of the situation pressing on you. "Katsuki, we face challenges together. It's what we signed up for when we decided to be together. If there's something bothering you, let me in. Don't shut me out."

He nodded, a sense of determination in his gaze. "I'll try, Y/N. I just... I don't want to hurt you."

You reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. "We hurt each other more by keeping things unsaid. Let's face whatever comes together."

In the following weeks, you and Bakugou navigated the complexities of your relationship. The city lights outside, once witnesses to shared laughter and love, became silent observers of the trials and tribulations that unfolded within the confines of your apartment.

As time passed, Bakugou opened up about his fears and insecurities, and you, in turn, reassured him of your unwavering commitment. The wounds began to heal, and the shared determination to weather the storm brought a newfound strength to your relationship.

One quiet evening, as you both stood on the balcony, the city lights below casting a mesmerizing glow, Bakugou turned to you with a vulnerability that melted your heart. "Y/N, I love you. And I'll spend a lifetime making up for my stupid mistakes."

You reached for his hand, intertwining your fingers. "Katsuki, let's move forward, one day at a time."

The journey of healing became a testament to the resilience of your love. The city lights, once witnesses to turmoil, now cast their timeless glow on a relationship strengthened by vulnerability, forgiveness, and a shared commitment to rebuilding what was broken.

As the days turned into weeks, the emotional wounds between you and Bakugou continued to heal. The apartment, once laden with tension, began to echo with the familiar sounds of shared laughter and genuine affection. Your relationship, weathered by the storm of doubt, emerged stronger, forged in the crucible of vulnerability and understanding.

One evening, as you both sat on the couch, the city lights outside twinkling with a renewed vibrancy, Bakugou turned to you with a softness in his eyes that mirrored the calm after a tempest. "Y/N, I... I never want to hurt you like that again."

You smiled, reaching for his hand. "Katsuki, we faced the storm, and we made it through. Our love is stronger now, and I believe in us."

He nodded, a weight lifted from his shoulders. "I don't deserve you, but I'm damn grateful you're still here."

With a playful glint in your eyes, you leaned in and kissed him gently. "You're stuck with me, Katsuki. Now and always."

In the following days, you and Bakugou embraced the simple joys of your relationship. The city lights outside, now witnesses to a love reborn, cast their glow on a couple who had faced the depths of uncertainty and emerged with a newfound appreciation for each other.

As you both stood on the balcony, the city lights below creating a breathtaking panorama, Bakugou whispered, "Y/N, I love you more than words can say. And I'll spend every day making sure you never regret choosing me."

You squeezed his hand, a warmth blooming in your chest. "Katsuki, our love is resilient. Let's keep building our future together."

The city lights, radiant in their timeless dance, became a backdrop to a story of love that had weathered the storm and emerged stronger on the other side. The journey of healing had become a testament to the enduring power of love, the kind that could weather any storm and still shine bright.

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