He says he doesn't care about you

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

You stand in the middle of the bustling shopping district, surrounded by the vibrant energy of the city. Bakugou, your boyfriend, walks a few steps ahead of you, his usual scowl etched deeply into his features. The atmosphere is charged with tension, and you can feel the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

"Katsuki, is everything okay?" you inquire cautiously, trying to catch up with his brisk pace.

He turns sharply, his eyes narrowing in irritation. "Why wouldn't it be? Just keep up."

Despite his dismissive tone, you can't ignore the distant look in his eyes. Something feels off, and a knot of unease forms in your stomach. As you both enter a store, you attempt to engage him in conversation.

"Is there something on your mind?" you ask, reaching out to touch his arm.

He pulls away, his expression hardening. "I said I'm fine. Quit being so damn clingy."

The words sting, and you take a step back, hurt evident in your eyes. "Katsuki, what's going on? You're acting different."

He scowls at you, annoyance evident in his voice. "I said nothing's going on. Just drop it."

You decide to give him some space, hoping that whatever is bothering him will pass. The rest of the shopping trip unfolds in strained silence. You feel a growing sense of distance between you and Bakugou, and the weight of his words lingers in the air.

Back at home, the tension refuses to dissipate. Bakugou retreats to the living room, and you follow, determined to address the growing rift.

"Katsuki, we need to talk," you say, your voice steady despite the unease in your chest.

He glances at you, a mix of frustration and indifference in his eyes. "Talk about what? I don't have time for this crap."

You take a deep breath, trying to remain composed. "You've been distant all day, and I can't ignore it. What's going on?"

He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Why do you always have to make a big deal out of everything? I've got stuff on my mind. Deal with it."

The dismissive tone cuts deep, and you feel a lump forming in your throat. "Katsuki, we're supposed to be a team. If something's bothering you, I want to help. I care about you."

He turns away, his jaw clenched. "Well, maybe I don't care about you as much as you think. Maybe you're just a damn burden."

The words hit you like a punch to the gut, and for a moment, you're left speechless. The person you love, who you thought loved you in return, has just declared that he doesn't care. The room feels suffocating as you grapple with the magnitude of his statement.

"Katsuki, how can you say that?" you finally manage to whisper, your voice shaky.

He avoids your gaze, his expression unreadable. "I don't have time for this emotional crap. Figure it out yourself."

The distance between you grows, a vast and seemingly insurmountable expanse. You retreat to the bedroom, the weight of his words pressing down on you. The tears that you've been holding back finally spill over as you grapple with the reality that the person you love seems to have turned away.

As you sit alone in the dimly lit room, you're left to contemplate the future of a relationship that, until now, seemed unbreakable. The echoes of Bakugou's words reverberate in your mind, and you wonder if this is a passing storm or the beginning of an irreversible change. In the silence that follows, you confront the uncertainty of what lies ahead and the painful reality that love, no matter how strong, isn't always immune to the complexities of human emotions.

In the following days, a heavy cloud hangs over your relationship with Bakugou. The once lively exchanges are replaced by a chilling silence, and every attempt at conversation feels like navigating a minefield. The apartment, once filled with shared laughter and warmth, now echoes with the hollow emptiness of unresolved tension.

You find yourself grappling with a mixture of emotions—hurt, confusion, and a growing sense of vulnerability. The words he uttered in the heat of the argument continue to replay in your mind like a broken record, a painful reminder of a love that suddenly feels uncertain.

One evening, you muster the courage to broach the topic again. Bakugou sits on the couch, his gaze fixed on the television screen as if trying to escape the reality of the strained atmosphere.

"Katsuki, we can't keep avoiding this," you say, your voice firm but gentle.

He glances at you, a hint of irritation in his eyes. "What's there to talk about? I said what I said."

Tears well up in your eyes, and you take a deep breath, trying to steady your voice. "I don't understand why you're shutting me out. We've always faced challenges together. What changed?"

He remains silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on the floor. The weight of the unspoken words in the room becomes almost unbearable.

"Maybe I was just frustrated. It doesn't mean anything," he mutters, his voice lacking conviction.

You look at him, a mixture of sadness and longing in your eyes. "Katsuki, we can't pretend like this didn't happen. We need to address what's going on between us."

He scowls, his frustration evident. "You're making a big deal out of nothing. Just drop it."

But you can't drop it. The emotional distance between you feels like an unspoken barrier, and the more you try to ignore it, the more it threatens to consume the love you've built together.

Days turn into weeks, and the rift between you and Bakugou widens. The shared laughter and moments that once defined your relationship become distant memories. You find yourself questioning whether the love you thought was unbreakable can withstand the storm that has enveloped your connection.

Late one night, unable to bear the weight of the uncertainty any longer, you sit down with Bakugou for a heart-to-heart conversation. The room is quiet, and the city outside seems to hold its breath as you lay bare your fears, hopes, and the vulnerability that comes with loving someone deeply.

Bakugou listens, his scowl softening as he absorbs the depth of your emotions. The silence that follows is pregnant with the potential for either rebuilding or breaking what remains of your connection.

In that moment, you both stand at a crossroads, faced with the choice of confronting the pain and rebuilding or succumbing to the fractures that threaten to tear you apart. The road ahead is uncertain, and only time will reveal whether the love that once felt unshakable can weather the storm that has swept through your hearts.

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