He meets your abusive father

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

Neuvillette always worried about you, whenever you were not being your normal self.

And right now, you weren't acting like normal at all. If anything, you were being rather unusual. The way that you were avoiding him, and the way that you seemed rather uncomfortable, whenever Neuvillette tried to get close to you.

So, he knew he had to talk about things. You couldn't keep hiding things from him, and keep him in the dark like that. At least if he cared about you, he would be trying to know, right? And he cared a lot.

So his curiosity about all of this, was not just to uncover something, but it was out of worry, out of concern, and out of love. Wanting to know what was wrong, and hoping to help you in any way that he could. He was your partner, your lover, and he would always love you, no matter what you were going through.

And he hoped that you understood the sentiment, that you knew that nothing you could do, and nothing that happens, would ever deter him from loving you. And so, until you understood that, he was going to prove to you that he was by your side, supporting you, through anything that you go through. But right now, as you pushed him further and further away, it was getting more difficult to show his support.

"Y/N, please. We need to talk." 

"Talk about what, Neuvillette?" You ask him, trying to act clueless. You knew he wasn't stupid.

You knew that he saw right through you. But you hoped that by pretending, you would at least get some time. That he wouldn't push things so much.

That he would just step away, and think that maybe you didn't want to talk. That maybe, it was not his thing to talk about. Even though you desperately felt like you wanted to tell him, but you also felt like a burden.

Like you shouldn't be doing that. All that abuse that you went through, it was not something that would be easy for you to share, and much harder for him to hear. At least, that's what you thought.

You didn't want him to suffer with you. You didn't want him worrying all the time, or feeling guilty for not being able to help you, even though you never told him about this. And there was no way he could have possibly found out.

And you decide, that being silent even more, would probably be the best course of action right now. It was too late to do anything about this. And there was no need, trying to do something to change it, when you were used to the way that you were being treated.

"Please, Neuvillette, if you've got something to tell me, let's save it for later. I'm not in the mood to talk." 

"But, my darling, we must talk. It is a topic that we must not delay."

"Please, Neuvillette, for my sake, I promise. And then, once I'm ready, I will tell you everything you need to know. I already know what you want to talk about, and I promise, the right time will come. But, it's just not right now", you say. And that's when he gives up, seeing as you are unready to relent, and he did not want to push you.

He didn't want to do something that he was unwelcome to do. So, when one day, you're simply just not responding to him, or any of his calls, he worries. He worries greatly.

And that's when he visits your house. The way your father greets him is quite nervous. But, he doesn't think about it too much.

After all, he's the Iudex of Fonteyn. A lot of people were scared of him. A lot of people did not tolerate him or had weird, really weird conceptions about him.

Maybe they thought him scary, or they thought of him as someone who was too serious. Someone that they admired, or someone that they wanted far away from them. Regardless of what your father thought, Neuvillette didn't care too much, until he asked for you.

"Where is she? Y/N, I mean." 

"Oh, you're asking for my daughter. Well, she's rather tired right now. You may visit later." 

"Well, could I see her, at least?" Neuvillette asked. He was rather concerned about you, but your father seemed unrelenting.

And the way that he was being so nervous, and so cagey, it made Nuvulet feel like something was wrong. And that's when he called out your name, only to hear you, screaming back his own. And that's when he immediately pushed your father out of the way, storming towards your room, and breaking the door open, only to find you crying, and there were bruises on your body as you were curled up onto the ground.

"Neuvillette, thank you for coming here. Thank you, thank you. It means the world to me."

You say, crying as he takes you in his arms, and he observes your injuries, observes the way that you're trembling, and the way that the door was locked and you were trapped in. And it takes everything within him, not to harm your father, and to only hand him to law enforcement. "Y/N, I'm so sorry, my dear. I mean it. All this time you've been suffering, you've been hurting, with someone who was so close to you, and all this time I didn't see it or notice. And for that, I am truly sorry."

He said he was trembling with anger as he held you, he felt so defeated and helpless. How could he have let this happen? He had no idea. But, as he held you even closer, he knew that he would not let anything like this happen again.

There would be no repeat of this. No one would be able to hurt you this way anymore. Not when he is alive, and not when he can clearly see what's going on behind the curtains, what you were hiding all this time.

There was certainly a lot of talking to be had, a lot of questions, and a lot of things you wanted to say. But right now, taking you with him, knowing that you're safe and alive, was what mattered most. And any other talks to be had or questions would always come later, all after your safety.

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