He insults you

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The bustling city outside mirrored the energy within Bakugou's apartment as you and he engaged in a playful banter. Laughter echoed through the room, the city lights casting a warm glow on the familiar setting.

"You're such an idiot sometimes, Katsuki," you teased, a playful glint in your eyes.

Bakugou, never one to back down, shot back, "At least I'm not as clumsy as you. Seriously, how do you trip over nothing all the time?"

You scoffed, crossing your arms. "Clumsy? I'd like to see you try walking in heels, Mr. Explosive."

The banter continued, each exchange a testament to the comfort you both found in your relationship. However, as the evening progressed, a sudden shift in Bakugou's tone caught you off guard.

"You know, sometimes I wonder how I ended up with someone as mediocre as you," he stated, his words sharp and unexpected.

You blinked, the playful atmosphere replaced by a palpable tension. "Katsuki, what's that supposed to mean?"

He leaned against the wall, a scowl etched on his face. "I mean, come on, Y/N. You're average at best. What do I even see in you?"

The words hung in the air, a heavy silence replacing the lighthearted banter. The city lights outside, once a comforting backdrop, now seemed to flicker with an uneasy tension.

You felt a mix of emotions—confusion, hurt, and a tinge of anger. "Katsuki, that's not fair. What's gotten into you?"

Bakugou's expression remained unyielding. "I'm just stating the obvious. Maybe I've outgrown this relationship."

The sudden shift left you speechless, the playful banter replaced by a cold reality. The city lights outside seemed to mirror the turbulence within your shared space.

"You can't just say something like that and expect me to be okay with it," you finally responded, your voice steadier than you felt.

Bakugou shrugged, a dismissive gesture. "Maybe it's for the best. You were holding me back anyway."

The words stung, and the weight of the situation settled in the room. The city lights outside, once a symbol of shared moments, now cast a stark illumination on the cracks in your relationship.

As the evening unfolded, the playful banter was replaced by a somber atmosphere. The city lights, like silent witnesses, seemed to lament the shift in the dynamics between you and Bakugou.

The atmosphere in the room grew heavier with every passing moment. The playful banter that once filled the space now echoed as a distant memory, replaced by the lingering sting of Bakugou's words. The city lights outside, usually a comforting presence, now illuminated the fractures in your relationship.

"Katsuki, we can't just ignore this," you said, your voice breaking the silence that hung in the air.

Bakugou avoided your gaze, his scowl deepening. "Maybe it's better if we end this now. Save ourselves from more pointless arguments."

His indifference cut deeper than his previous words. The city lights outside, once a backdrop to shared laughter, now painted a solemn picture of the strained emotions within.

"You can't just dismiss everything we've been through," you pleaded, desperation creeping into your voice. "What happened to us, Katsuki? We used to face everything together."

Bakugou remained silent, his stubbornness locking him in an impenetrable shell. The city lights flickered, seemingly echoing the uncertainty that engulfed your relationship.

As the evening wore on, the once vibrant energy turned into a solemn contemplation of what went wrong. The city lights outside, now a distant view, reflected in the windows as if highlighting the fracture between you and Bakugou.

Days passed, marked by a painful silence. The city lights, once witnesses to your shared moments, now observed the void that had replaced the warmth in your connection.

In a last attempt to salvage what remained, you confronted Bakugou. "Is this really what you want? To throw everything away without even trying to fix it?"

He sighed, the weariness evident in his eyes. "Y/N, maybe it's better for both of us. We're holding each other back."

The resignation in his voice stung more than any insult. The city lights outside, now distant and indifferent, seemed to emphasize the growing distance between you two.

With heavy hearts, you both agreed to part ways. The city lights, once witnesses to your laughter and love, now stood as silent spectators to the end of your relationship.

Weeks passed, and the city lights became a constant reminder of what once was. Each flicker outside seemed to echo the echoes of your shared moments.

In the quiet moments of the night, you found solace beneath the city lights, reminiscing about the laughter, the banter, and the love that once filled Bakugou's apartment. The city lights, a silent witness to the rise and fall of your love story, painted a bittersweet backdrop to the memories that lingered.

In the following weeks, the city lights that once held the magic of shared moments had transformed into a melancholic reminder of what had been lost. The silent streets outside seemed to echo the emptiness that permeated your heart.

As you navigated the routines of your daily life, the absence of Bakugou left a void that nothing seemed to fill. The city lights, now seen through the windows of your own apartment, cast shadows on the walls, mirroring the somber state of your emotions.

One evening, unable to escape the weight of the memories, you found yourself wandering the streets beneath the city lights. The familiar paths seemed different, each corner holding echoes of laughter that now felt like distant echoes of the past.

In a moment of vulnerability, you reached out to Bakugou, hoping to bridge the growing distance. "Katsuki, can we talk? Maybe there's a way to fix what's broken."

His response, however, was as distant as the city lights outside your window. "Y/N, we've been through this. It's better if we move on."

The finality in his words cut through you, and the city lights, usually a source of comfort, now felt like harsh spotlights highlighting the cracks in your fractured connection.

As the days turned into nights, the city lights became witnesses to your attempts to move forward. But the loneliness lingered, and the once vibrant glow outside your window seemed to mock the dimness that settled in your heart.

In an effort to find solace, you revisited the places that once held shared memories. The city lights above, now mere specks in the night sky, offered little consolation. The empty spaces between buildings seemed to mirror the emptiness you felt inside.

With time, the city lights became a distant backdrop to the process of healing. Each flicker outside your window represented the passing of moments, both painful and hopeful. The memories of shared laughter and love, once illuminated by the city lights, now existed as fragments of the past.

In the quiet hours of the night, you gazed out at the city lights, reflecting on the love that had faded like the distant glow outside. The city, with its ever-changing lights, carried the weight of your lost connection, a poignant reminder of a love story that had reached its end.

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