He finds you freezing and injured on his doorstep

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

It's a chilly winter night, and you find yourself wandering through the quiet streets, the air crisp and biting. You shiver, hugging yourself in an attempt to preserve warmth. Unbeknownst to you, Bakugou, your longtime boyfriend, is at home, engrossed in his hero studies.

As you continue your walk, the cold begins to seep through your layers, making each step more arduous than the last. Unforeseen circumstances lead you to Bakugou's doorstep, where you stagger, weakened by both the frigid weather and the injuries you've sustained.

Suddenly, the door swings open, revealing Bakugou, who's clearly taken aback by the sight before him. "What the hell happened to you?" he exclaims, rushing to your side.

You manage a weak smile, teeth chattering, "Hey, Katsuki. Just a bit of bad luck tonight."

He scowls, his concern evident, "Bad luck, my ass. Come inside before you freeze to death."

With his support, you stumble into Bakugou's apartment, feeling the warmth envelop you. He guides you to the couch, his eyes narrowing as he takes in the extent of your injuries. "Stay here. I'll get some first aid shit," he orders, disappearing into another room.

As he tends to your wounds, his usual brusque demeanor softens slightly. "You're lucky I was home," he mutters, more to himself than to you.

You wince as he cleans a particularly nasty cut, but you appreciate his care. "I knew I could count on you, Katsuki."

He scoffs, "Yeah, yeah. Just don't make a habit out of this."

Once he finishes patching you up, he hands you a warm blanket. "Wrap yourself up. I don't need you getting sick on top of whatever the hell happened out there."

You nod, gratefully pulling the blanket around yourself. Bakugou sits beside you, his gaze intense. "Now, spill. What the hell happened?"

You sigh, recounting the unfortunate events that led you to his doorstep. As you speak, Bakugou's expression shifts from stern to a mixture of anger and concern. "Idiots picking on you? I'll blast them to oblivion," he growls.

You place a hand on his arm, "Katsuki, it's fine. I handled it. Besides, I knew you'd take care of me."

He huffs, not entirely satisfied, but he lets the matter drop. "You should've called me. I would've come to get you."

You lean into him, grateful for his protective nature. "I didn't want to bother you. But I'm glad I ended up here."

Bakugou scowls, "You're not a bother, idiot. You're my concern, got it?"

You smile, feeling the warmth of his words more than the blanket around you. "Got it, Katsuki."

The night progresses with Bakugou keeping a watchful eye on you, ensuring you're comfortable and warm. Despite the unexpected turn of events, being in Bakugou's care feels like the safest place in the world. As you drift into a restful sleep, wrapped in his protective embrace, you can't help but appreciate the strength of the established love that brought you to his doorstep, making even the coldest nights a haven of warmth and comfort.

The next morning, you wake up in Bakugou's apartment, the events of the previous night slowly coming back to you. As you stretch and yawn, you notice Bakugou in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he grins, looking over his shoulder.

You sit up, the warmth of the blanket still lingering. "Morning, Katsuki. Thanks for taking care of me last night."

He shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant, "Yeah, yeah. Just don't go making a habit out of collapsing on my doorstep."

You chuckle, swinging your legs off the couch. "Noted. So, what's for breakfast?"

Bakugou sets a plate in front of you, a surprisingly well-balanced meal. "Eat up. You need to regain your strength."

You glance at him, touched by his concern. "You're too good to me, Katsuki."

He smirks, "Damn right. Now eat before I change my mind."

As you enjoy the meal, Bakugou joins you at the table, the two of you sharing a comfortable silence. The events of the previous night brought you even closer, emphasizing the depth of your bond.

After breakfast, you help clean up, grateful for Bakugou's care. As you gather your things to leave, he walks you to the door.

"Take it easy today," he advises, his usual gruffness tinged with genuine concern.

You smile, "I will. And thanks again, Katsuki."

He nods, "Just be more careful, idiot. I don't want to find you freezing on my doorstep again."

With a playful salute, you leave Bakugou's apartment, feeling a renewed sense of warmth, not just from the cozy blanket but from the love and care he showed you. The chilly night that led you to his doorstep becomes a testament to the strength of your relationship, a relationship built on trust, care, and a shared understanding that even in the coldest moments, love can provide the warmest sanctuary.

As you step out into the winter morning, you carry the memory of Bakugou's protective embrace, grateful for the established love that turns unexpected challenges into moments of connection and strength.

Days pass, and the incident becomes a shared memory between you and Bakugou, strengthening the foundation of your relationship. Despite his gruff exterior, his actions spoke louder than words, reinforcing the unwavering support he offers.

One evening, you find yourself back at your own apartment, the winter chill still lingering. Bakugou had insisted on walking you home, a gesture that made your heart swell with gratitude. As you unlock the door, you notice a package on your doorstep.

"What's this?" you wonder aloud, picking up the neatly wrapped box.

Bakugou shrugs, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Open it and find out."

Curiosity piqued, you unwrap the package to find a thick, cozy scarf inside. It's a deep shade of crimson, undoubtedly Bakugou's way of ensuring you stay warm. You glance at him, touched by the thoughtful gesture.

"Thought you might need something to keep you warm. Don't want you freezing without me around," he says, his expression surprisingly soft.

You smile, pulling him into a hug. "You're amazing, Katsuki. Thank you."

He grumbles, clearly not comfortable with the sentimentality, but he doesn't pull away from the embrace. "Just wear the damn scarf. I don't want you catching a cold."

The scarf becomes a cherished accessory, a physical reminder of Bakugou's care and concern. As winter continues, the two of you navigate the season together, facing its challenges hand in hand.

One snowy evening, you find yourselves back at Bakugou's apartment, the warmth of the scarf contrasting with the chilly weather outside. The flickering candlelight creates a cozy ambiance, and Bakugou glances at you, a rare softness in his eyes.

"Maybe winter isn't so bad with you around," he admits, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

You chuckle, "I think winter has its charm, especially when you have someone special to share it with."

He rolls his eyes, but there's a warmth in his gaze. "Whatever, nerd. Just don't go collapsing on my doorstep again, got it?"

You laugh, "Got it, Katsuki. I'll try to avoid dramatic entrances."

As you settle into the evening, the scarf wrapped snugly around you, you realize that even the coldest of nights can be filled with warmth when you're with someone you love. The established bond between you and Bakugou transforms winter into a season of shared moments, laughter, and a love that weathers any storm.

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