He finds out you are in danger

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The day started like any other, with you and Bakugou going about your routine. The city buzzed with life, and the two of you navigated through the streets, enjoying the familiar sights and sounds. Little did you know, this ordinary day was about to take an unexpected turn.

As you browsed a local shop, Bakugou's phone buzzed with a message. He furrowed his brows as he read it, a sense of urgency gripping him. "Y/N, we need to go. Now."

You looked at him, concern etching your features. "What's wrong, Katsuki?"

He grabbed your hand, his expression serious. "Someone's targeting heroes. We need to get back to base."

Fear crept into your chest, but you nodded, trusting Bakugou's instincts. The city outside, once lively, now seemed to carry a weight of uncertainty.

Back at the hero agency, tensions ran high. Bakugou consulted with his colleagues, and you overheard fragments of conversations about a villain with a dangerous quirk targeting heroes. The atmosphere was thick with unease.

Bakugou approached you, his gaze intense. "Y/N, I need you to stay here. It's not safe for civilians right now."

You crossed your arms, determination in your eyes. "I'm not just going to sit around, Katsuki. I can help."

He hesitated, then sighed. "Fine, but stay close. And follow my lead."

The city lights outside dimmed as evening set in, casting a shadow on the hero agency. Bakugou, geared up and ready, glanced at you. "Let's go."

The two of you ventured into the night, the city lights flickering as a backdrop to the unfolding danger. Bakugou, always a step ahead, scanned the surroundings, his senses sharp.

Suddenly, a barrage of explosions erupted, and a menacing figure emerged from the shadows. "Heroes," the villain sneered. "You're all in my way."

Bakugou clenched his fists, ready for a fight. "You won't get away with this."

The battle unfolded with fierce intensity, explosions echoing through the night. Bakugou fought with unwavering determination, his eyes never leaving the villain. In the midst of the chaos, you stood by his side, using your own abilities to support him.

But the villain was cunning, and a sudden attack caught you off guard. Bakugou's eyes widened as he saw you in danger. "Y/N!"

He rushed to your side, shielding you from the impending threat. "You okay?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

You nodded, catching your breath. "Yeah, thanks to you."

Bakugou's gaze softened, his hand gently cupping your cheek. "I can't lose you, Y/N. Not like this."

The battle raged on, but with Bakugou's fierce determination and your combined efforts, the villain was defeated. The city lights outside, once witnesses to the chaos, now flickered with a sense of relief.

As you both caught your breath, Bakugou pulled you into a tight embrace. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again."

You chuckled, feeling the warmth of his arms around you. "I'm not going anywhere, Katsuki."

The city lights, now a calming presence, painted the night with a sense of victory. In the aftermath of danger, you and Bakugou stood united, your love and strength shining brighter than ever.

In the aftermath of the intense encounter, you and Bakugou found yourselves back at the hero agency. The city lights outside, once witnesses to the chaos, now shimmered with a sense of calm. Bakugou, still holding you close, seemed to be processing the adrenaline-fueled events.

"Are you sure you're okay, Y/N?" he asked, a genuine concern in his eyes.

You nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Katsuki. Thanks to you."

He grunted, still visibly shaken. "That was too close. I can't stand the thought of losing you."

You squeezed his hand, appreciating the vulnerability in his usually tough demeanor. "We made it through, Katsuki. Together."

The hero agency buzzed with activity as the aftermath of the villain's defeat was dealt with. Bakugou, ever the diligent hero, was pulled into discussions with his colleagues. Despite the chaos, the city lights outside painted a serene backdrop, a silent witness to the collective strength of heroes.

As the night progressed, Bakugou returned to your side. "I need to stay a bit longer, but I'll make sure you get home safely."

You nodded, understanding the demands of his hero duties. "I'll be here. Take your time."

The city lights, now a distant view, seemed to echo the quiet moments you spent in the agency. You observed the heroes at work, marveling at their resilience and dedication.

When Bakugou finally joined you, the city lights greeted you both as you stepped outside. The air was crisp, and the earlier chaos had transformed into a quiet night. You walked through the city streets, the glow of the lights above casting a gentle warmth on your journey.

Bakugou glanced at you, breaking the silence. "I hate when you're in danger. It pisses me off."

You chuckled, appreciating his protective nature. "Well, I'm not planning on making it a habit."

He smirked, his hand finding yours. "Good. Because I don't want to go through that again."

The city lights, like celestial companions, watched over you as you continued your walk. Bakugou's grip on your hand tightened, a silent reassurance of the unspoken bond that had grown stronger through the night's events.

As you arrived at your apartment, the city lights seemed to twinkle in approval. Bakugou hesitated before leaving, his gaze softening. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

You nodded, standing on tiptoe to give him a gentle kiss. "Tomorrow. And Katsuki?"

He raised an eyebrow, waiting for your words.

"Thank you—for keeping me safe," you said, sincerity lacing your voice.

A rare hint of a blush crossed Bakugou's cheeks. "Yeah, well, it's my damn job, isn't it?"

With a final glance at the city lights, Bakugou left, leaving you standing in the quiet embrace of the night. The city lights, like guardian stars, whispered tales of triumph and love.

In the days that followed, a newfound appreciation for each other blossomed between you and Bakugou. The city lights, once witnesses to danger, now illuminated the path of healing and resilience.

Bakugou's protectiveness grew, but it was accompanied by moments of tenderness. As you both navigated the challenges of hero life, the city lights became a constant reminder that love could withstand even the darkest of nights.

One evening, as you stood on the balcony of your apartment, the city lights below casting a soft glow, Bakugou joined you. His gaze met yours, a warmth evident in his eyes.

"You know," he began, "I used to think this city was just a backdrop to chaos. But with you, it's become something more."

You smiled, your hand finding his. "Yeah, it's our city, Katsuki. Through chaos and calm."

The city lights, like a symphony of stars, seemed to applaud your words. Bakugou leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'm grateful for every moment, Y/N. And I won't let anything take you away from me."

As you embraced beneath the city lights, the journey continued. Your love story, once marked by danger, now unfolded with a renewed sense of purpose. The city lights, like silent guardians, watched over you, painting the canvas of your shared adventures.

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