He cheated on you but you're on a mission

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The tension in the air was palpable as you and Bakugou, once inseparable, found yourselves reluctantly paired up for a high-stakes hero mission. The echoes of a past betrayal lingered, the city lights outside the agency window casting a faint glow on the strained atmosphere.

Bakugou, typically confident and brash, seemed uncharacteristically nervous as he cleared his throat. "Look, Y/N, we need to put our history aside for this mission. We've got a job to do."

You crossed your arms, gaze unwavering. "This is strictly professional, Katsuki. Don't think this changes anything between us."

He nodded, a hint of regret in his eyes. "Fine. Let's just get this done."

As the night unfolded, the city lights below became a backdrop to the unpredictable alliance formed by two heroes with a fractured past. The mission was dangerous, and your lives depended on cooperation.

In the midst of battling formidable villains, Bakugou's actions spoke louder than his words. He shielded you from attacks, strategically positioned himself to cover your blind spots, and fought with a newfound focus. The city lights, like silent witnesses, observed the intricate dance of heroics and vulnerability.

After a particularly intense skirmish, Bakugou caught his breath, his gaze meeting yours. "I know I messed up, Y/N. But I'm not that person anymore. I've changed."

You clenched your fists, conflicted emotions bubbling to the surface. "Actions speak louder than words, Katsuki. One mission doesn't erase the past."

He sighed, frustration etched on his features. "I get it. But I'm not giving up on proving myself to you."

The night wore on, the mission demanding every ounce of your strength and focus. Bakugou's protective instincts kicked in, evident in every move he made. The city lights, now mere blurs in the background, bore witness to the intricate dance of emotions and heroics.

As a particularly formidable villain cornered you, Bakugou unleashed a barrage of explosions, ensuring your safety. "I've got your back, Y/N. Always."

You swallowed the lump in your throat, acknowledging the unspoken promise in his words. "Just focus on the mission, Katsuki."

In the quiet moments between battles, Bakugou attempted to bridge the gap. "I know I can't change the past, but I'm trying, Y/N. Give me a chance to prove that I've changed."

You hesitated, the weight of the past lingering. "Actions, Katsuki. Show me through your actions."

The final showdown with the villains approached, and the city lights seemed to flicker with anticipation. Bakugou, despite the tension, fought with a determination that went beyond the mission at hand. The unspoken promise lingered in the air.

As the last villain was subdued, Bakugou turned to you, his gaze intense. "I hope you saw that I've changed, Y/N."

You nodded, a reluctant acknowledgment in your eyes. "One mission doesn't erase everything, Katsuki. But maybe... maybe it's a start."

The city lights, now a calming presence in the aftermath of the battle, bore witness to the tentative steps toward a different future. The wounds of the past were still raw, but the night had shown glimpses of change.

As you both left the scene, Bakugou fell into step beside you. "We make a damn good team, Y/N."

You sighed, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Let's just focus on being heroes, Katsuki."

And so, beneath the quiet glow of the city lights, you and Bakugou walked into the night, uncertain of what the future held but carrying the weight of a shared mission that had forged an unexpected connection.

The city lights dimmed as you and Bakugou strolled through the quiet streets, the air heavy with unspoken words. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Y/N, I meant what I said back there. I messed up, and I know it. But I'm trying to be better."

You shot him a sidelong glance, your expression guarded. "It's not that easy, Katsuki. Trust is something you earn."

He nodded, a solemn acknowledgment in his eyes. "I get it. But I'm not going to stop trying. I care about you, damn it."

The sincerity in his voice caught you off guard. "Why should I believe you now, Katsuki? What's different?"

Bakugou exhaled, as if gathering his thoughts. "I've been doing some serious soul-searching. I let my pride and temper ruin something important. But I've changed. I want to be someone you can trust again."

You mulled over his words, the city lights flickering in the distance. "Actions, Katsuki. I need to see consistent actions."

He ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident. "I get it. I'll show you. Just give me the chance."

Days passed, and the tentative partnership between you and Bakugou continued. The city lights outside the agency window became a familiar sight, a constant presence in the evolving dynamics.

One evening, after a successful mission, you found yourselves sitting on a rooftop, the city lights below stretching out like a sea of possibilities.

"I meant what I said, Y/N. I'm serious about changing," Bakugou admitted, his gaze fixed on the skyline.

You sighed, the weight of the past still lingering. "I want to believe you, Katsuki. But it's hard."

He turned to you, determination in his eyes. "I'll prove it to you, one day at a time. Just give me that chance."

The city lights, now twinkling against the night sky, seemed to echo the possibility of redemption. You nodded, a hesitant acceptance in your gaze. "We'll see, Katsuki. Actions, remember?"

He smirked, a glimmer of his usual confidence. "Yeah, yeah. I'll make you see."

As the days turned into weeks, Bakugou indeed showed a genuine effort to change. The city lights, witnesses to your journey, illuminated moments of vulnerability and growth. The tension between you began to ease, replaced by a cautious optimism.

One evening, as you both patrolled the city, Bakugou spoke up. "I know I hurt you, Y/N. But I'm not going to stop trying to make things right."

You met his gaze, a small smile playing on your lips. "I can see that, Katsuki. Let's keep working on it, together."

The city lights, like silent companions, cast a reassuring glow on the evolving relationship between you and Bakugou. The night held the promise of redemption and a shared journey toward healing.

As the weeks passed, the evolution of your relationship with Bakugou became evident. The city lights, a constant witness to your shared moments, now seemed to shimmer with a newfound warmth.

One evening, after a successful mission, you found yourselves back on the rooftop, the city lights below creating a mesmerizing display. Bakugou, usually reserved, spoke with a sincerity that hadn't been there before.

"I know I can't erase the past, Y/N. But I'm committed to making our future better. I've learned from my mistakes, and I'll keep proving it to you every day."

You looked at him, a genuine smile forming on your lips. "Actions, Katsuki. You're on the right path. Just keep showing me."

He nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "I will."

The city lights, like guiding stars, seemed to celebrate the resilience of your connection. The air between you was lighter, and the unspoken tension of the past had transformed into a shared understanding.

In the quiet moments that followed, Bakugou reached for your hand. "I'm grateful you're giving me another chance, Y/N."

You squeezed his hand, the city lights below mirroring the gentle warmth between you. "We're both works in progress, Katsuki. Let's build something stronger together."

As the night unfolded, you and Bakugou continued your patrol through the city. The city lights, once witnesses to the tumultuous journey of your relationship, now stood as beacons of hope for what lay ahead.

And so, beneath the comforting glow of the city lights, you and Bakugou walked into the night, hand in hand, the promise of a renewed connection lighting the path before you.

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