Genshin Archons when you're on your period

Written by me and all copyrights reserved


Despite him being older than five centuries, Venti was a little bit clueless about this. He had no idea what to do, and he was majorly confused.

"What do you mean, Y/N?" He said, looking at you "Um, do you really have to do that? Once every month? That sounds horrible." He says, to which you nod, you totally agree, it does sound horrible.

And then, well, he spoils you rotten, because it is a very horrible thing, and the least that he could do was at least be there by your side, and try and make it up to you. He gets you all that you need, whether it be pads or tampons, and then, he gets you a lot of snacks as well; chocolates, pizza, and anything you could possibly ever want. He cuddles with you for the rest of that day, letting you stay warm and cozy, because he knows it can help.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that. If I could, I'd make sure every human, at least within mondstadt, didn't have to go through that."  

"Oh, Venti, don't worry about it. I'll be all better. But thank you for a sentiment, I appreciate it", you said, and he smiled softly, kissing your cheek, and hoping he can always be able to bring you some comfort, during such difficult time as this.

Raiden Shogun:

"Oh darling, I feel very upset that you have to go through this. But I hope that you can feel better soon. Anyways, I shall take care of you now."

"I ordered one of my guards to buy some things for you. I'm sure I will have all that you need and more. Now come here, let me hold you."

Raiden was not really gentle, and that was something you knew. She struggled with many things, but she would absolutely make sure that you're happy and soothed because she knows how it feels like, during that time of the month. And most importantly, she will make sure that nobody ever bothers you.

And as for a lot of other things, she may be struggling when it comes to actually being you know, a support system. She doesn't even know how to support herself emotionally, let alone someone else. So being with you and buying you things and spoiling you in the way that she knows how, is the easiest way for her to be with you.

"How are you feeling now, Y/N? Are you a little bit better? I got you some sweets." She said. She was very soft and gentle, nothing like the Shogun. And he was always loving and always willing to give you her time and her attention. She did tell you an interesting fact though, that when she made the Shogun, she made sure that that time of the month did not occur to her because it was almost like pure torture.

And although she wanted to reserve herself in every way, maybe she could relieve herself of that, at least in the form of the Shogun. And it was a really good thing. A good idea.


"Oh, Y/N, I really didn't know you that. It was that time of the month for you. Well, I shall get you some stuff then. I must have some of my own. I use tampons without you right with you?" She'd ask.

She knows how difficult it can be. And she always wants to be able to bring you some form of peace. And a retreat from the world.

She's always ready to share her sweets with you during that time. Even ordering food. Because she always makes sure to cook at home, but she knows her cooking is not really that good.

She enjoys it, but it's not the time to enjoy it right now. It's time to make sure you eat something that's actually edible. So she would certainly be quite attentive to you and your needs, wrapping her arms around you and cuddling you close.

"You know, Y/N, I always wondered if other Archons had to go through this. I know I'm not a real Archon, but I wonder. Does Raiden Ei actually have to go through this as well? It seems quite ridiculous to have all that power, and still not be able to get rid of something as inconvenient as this.

But, oh well, I suppose that's what comes with taking a human for. It must be about sacrifice to something, how poetic", she would giggle softly. And she would certainly, certainly make sure that you sleep in her arms, because you're quite clingy when it comes to that time.

And she knows the feeling, especially when you take such good care of her as well.


Believe it or not, he would know a lot about this. And that's because he's had to take care of Furina a lot.

He actually cared a lot about her, and she could be quite forgetful when it came to things like that. And, stocking her home and buying things, and it seemed like tasks that the Chief Justice of Fontaine should not really have to do. But he had to at the time.

And it taught him a lot. Sometimes he was bothered by the abruptness of things, but he was able to figure out the time, and get her things in advance. And Furina had come to treasure him for that.

But for you, he would actually ask you beforehand, just so he could know. He knows that you could be moody, during that time. And he also makes sure to note your favorite foods and snacks, so you can make sure that there's enough of them.

But most importantly, he tries not to work a lot, and spend more time with you during those days. "Do you want to cuddle, Y/N?" 

"Well, I think I do. If you would like that."

"I would. You know, I might not be the best at feelings, but I hope my presence can make you happy at least." 

"It always does, Nuvilette. You can always make me happy." You tell him. And he smiles, kissing your cheek gently.

He wants you to be happy in any way. And surely, he's up for some cuddles whenever you need.


Now he surely knew about this, but he would be a little bit anxious at first.

And that results into him buying everything, literally everything there is. "Y/N? I picked up some things for you." He said, standing in the doorway with ten bags.

And you have to look at him, and the things he got. Some of them you won't even use. And you can't help but adore him, and his efforts at least.

He's trying his best. And you do show him what you really need and what you don't. And he does not take it to heart.

He's not upset by making some mistakes. He can learn from this. But other than that, he makes sure to be really careful with you, treating you like you're delicate, being careful with his words, and trying to be kind to you.

He was already kind as is. But somehow, he managed to be infinitely gentler when it was that time of the month. Sometimes, you would have random outbursts for no reason. But he would become against them, and try to calm you down as well. He was very patient and very loving, to see past those things and to wait, until you felt all better again. 

"Y/N? My sweetheart, please, don't worry yourself about anything at all. Whatever it is that's bothering you, I will take good care of it." He would say, and you totally trust him on that, because he has never proved to be wrong about this. Especially, when it came to putting your trust in him, because he always did what he had to, and he always made sure that you're happy no matter what.

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