He makes you cry

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The day unfolded like any other, with the familiar routine of shared laughter, casual banter, and the warmth that defined your relationship with Bakugou. The cozy apartment, filled with the soft glow of city lights, served as the backdrop to your daily life together.

As the evening settled in, you and Bakugou found yourselves engaged in a playful argument, the kind that often sparked between two individuals with strong personalities. The topic, trivial as it was, escalated into a heated exchange of words, fueled by the passion that defined both of you.

In the midst of the argument, Bakugou's normally sharp tone took on an edge that cut deeper than usual. His words, fueled by frustration, struck a nerve, and before you could react, tears welled up in your eyes. The realization of his impact seemed to dawn on Bakugou, his expression shifting from irritation to concern.

"Y/N, I... Shit, I didn't mean to..." he started, his usually assertive demeanor replaced by a rare vulnerability.

You turned away, trying to hide the tears, not wanting to show vulnerability in the midst of the argument. "Just drop it, Katsuki."

But Bakugou, despite his brash exterior, couldn't bear to see you upset. He moved closer, his hand gently reaching out to touch your shoulder. "Hey, look at me. I didn't mean to make you cry."

You glanced at him, the tear-streaked cheeks reflecting a mix of hurt and frustration. "You can't just say whatever you want, Bakugou. Words hurt."

He sighed, a heaviness in his chest. "I know. I... I fucked up. I didn't mean to hurt you like that."

The argument faded into the background as Bakugou pulled you into a hesitant embrace. The warmth of his touch was both a comfort and a reminder of the emotional turbulence that had unfolded moments ago. You allowed yourself to lean into the embrace, the tears a silent acknowledgment of the impact his words had.

Bakugou spoke in a softer tone, his apology laced with genuine remorse. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I don't want to see you cry because of me. I... I care about you, dammit."

You nodded, appreciating the sincerity in his words. "I know you do, Katsuki. But we need to be careful with how we speak to each other. Words can hurt."

He tightened his grip, a silent agreement. "Yeah, I get it. I'll be more careful. I don't want to hurt you."

In the aftermath of the emotional storm, you and Bakugou found solace in the shared understanding that emotions, even the difficult ones, were part of the intricate dance that defined your relationship. The apartment, once filled with tension, became a space for healing and reconciliation.

As the night unfolded, Bakugou's efforts to make amends continued. He prepared a simple dinner, a peace offering that spoke volumes about his remorse. The shared meal became a silent bridge, mending the emotional wounds that had surfaced earlier.

Later, as you both settled on the couch, the city lights outside casting a gentle glow, Bakugou turned to you with a sincerity that touched your heart. "I mean it, Y/N. I'll do better. I don't want to see you cry again."

You smiled, the traces of hurt replaced by a shared understanding. "I believe you, Katsuki. We'll navigate this together."

And so, in the quiet intimacy of your shared space, you and Bakugou embarked on a journey of healing and growth. The emotional turbulence had revealed cracks in the surface, but it also paved the way for a deeper connection, a love that could weather the storms and emerge stronger on the other side.

In the days that followed the emotional turbulence, a subtle shift occurred between you and Bakugou. The shared understanding of the impact words could have on your relationship prompted both of you to tread more carefully in your interactions.

Bakugou, in particular, made a conscious effort to express his frustrations in a more controlled manner. The fiery passion that defined him remained, but he found alternative ways to channel it, avoiding the hurtful edge that had marked the previous argument. The apartment, once a witness to tension, transformed into a haven where the delicate dance of healing unfolded.

One evening, as you and Bakugou prepared dinner together, the scent of simmering food filled the air. The shared task became a therapeutic routine, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken commitment to understanding and supporting each other.

Bakugou glanced at you, a softness in his eyes that contrasted with his usual intensity. "I've been thinking, Y/N. Maybe we should find a better way to communicate, without tearing each other down."

You smiled, appreciating the effort he was putting into making things right. "I agree, Katsuki. Let's be more mindful of our words and find constructive ways to express ourselves."

The dinner table, once a place of tension, now hosted conversations that flowed with ease. The city lights outside, casting their gentle glow into the room, seemed to mirror the newfound tranquility within your relationship.

As the weeks passed, the wounds from the argument healed, leaving behind a strengthened bond between you and Bakugou. The shared understanding forged in the crucible of vulnerability became the cornerstone of your evolving connection.

One quiet night, as you and Bakugou sat on the balcony, the city lights below creating a mesmerizing view, he turned to you with a genuine warmth in his eyes. "Y/N, I'm grateful for what we have. I don't want anything to jeopardize it."

You reached for his hand, intertwining your fingers. "Me too, Katsuki. Let's keep growing together."

The journey of healing and growth became a continuous exploration, a testament to the resilience of your love. The city lights, once witnesses to both storms and serenity, cast their timeless glow on the evolving chapters of your shared story.

In the gentle embrace of the night, you and Bakugou continued your quiet conversation on the balcony. The city lights below created a tapestry of shimmering hues, a reflection of the evolving chapters in your shared story.

Bakugou's eyes held a sincerity that spoke volumes as he continued, "Y/N, I've learned a lot from this. We've been through rough patches, but I want you to know I'm committed to making us stronger."

Your heart swelled with warmth at his words, appreciating the depth of his commitment. "Katsuki, I believe in us. We've faced challenges, but we've also grown together."

He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, a tender gesture that conveyed more than words ever could. "I'm lucky to have you, Y/N. Let's face whatever comes our way, together."

As the night unfolded, the city lights continued to cast their timeless glow, illuminating the path ahead. In the quietude of the balcony, you and Bakugou found solace in the love that had weathered storms and emerged stronger. The journey of healing and growth, marked by understanding and shared resilience, became a testament to the enduring strength of your connection.

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