Arlecchino catches you making out

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

Now Lyney has been busy for a while, and you knew that, and you understood, or at least tried to understand his reasoning behind the way that he was not seeing you. He told you you had a lot of things to get to, a lot of things to deal with, be it family matters with his father, or other things that were unrelated, like his job as a magician, and so you knew you would have to wait patiently for his return.

But even when he returned, there were more things to deal with, more errands to run the next morning, and you would have to get a good sleep, which amounted to 6 hours, which you were already against because it felt like it was too little. Sometimes you would get up to 3 hours of sleep, but that was barely anything at all, and when it was a good day, it would be 6 hours, which you have already declared as unsustainable for him, since he doesn't seem to be doing too well the morning after. But he tells you, it should cease a couple of days and he will be all better, and then soon he will be free, and he will sleep well, and give you all the attention that you need.

You honestly wish that you could help him, one way or another, but it seems like no matter what you do, you can't do anything about it, and that's why you find yourself trying to plan something, something that won't take much time, something that will be sweet and easy for you. 

You are at his home, when you decide to cook him something sweet, maybe you should make a cake? You've tried to learn how to do that, Lynette is actually a good cook, and she had taught you a lot about how they cook and Fontanian cuisine. So, you were trying to learn, and you were trying your absolute best to do something and maybe, maybe know, become a little bit better as a partner and feel like you're supporting him somehow, because you feel bad enough for not being able to help him with what he's dealing with.

At the very least, you feel like you should know how to make him feel better when he comes back home, and that's why you insist on doing this, on trying to find a way, to make him at least smile, or put his mind off of things for an hour or two. That way, you feel like you've fulfilled your role as his partner, and his beloved.

So, when Lyney comes back to candles, decorations and a cake on the table, it's quite a lot, in a good way. He's quite stunned by it, looking at you, and his cheeks are a little bit red, as he smiles shyly, "You didn't need to do all of that, Y/N, I… it's too much, it really is..." 

"Nothing's too much for you, Lyney", you tell him. And he blushes, hugging you tightly, as you wrap your arms around him, putting your hand in his hair, and then, he cups your face in his hands, looking at you.

"Sweetheart, you're my entire world, you really made my day, I… I don't know how to thank you." 

"And you don't have to, Lyney", you tell him, giving him a soft smile, "I'm just happy to see you happy, that's the best way that you could thank me, be happy, please." And his heart melts at your soft and sweet words, and then, he finds himself pulling you into a kiss, his eyes closing as he deepens it, and soon, you follow suit, closing your eyes as well.

And before you know it, he's having you pressed against the wall, his hands pressed on either side of your head, as he gets closer and closer to you, your bodies against one another, and his kisses becoming a lot more intense and intimate. It's an enjoyable time, an enjoyable way, to be able to let go of all the thoughts in his head, as he loses himself in the feeling of you. 

But maybe he shouldn't have lost himself too much, because soon, the two of you are not alone in his home.

Arlecchino had the keys, sometimes she would come to stay with them for a couple of days, or leave them stuff if they're not around, or just come to visit them. Not to mention, she was the one who bought the apartment for them. So, he doesn't even hear the jingle of keys, the door opening and closing again, he doesn't hear a single thing. 

It's like his senses are entirely lost, and focused on one thing entirely, the feeling of your laughs against his own, the heat of your body against him, the way your hands rot into his hair. It's all too much, too overwhelming to see or hear anything else, so when Arlecchino steps in, to see that scene before her, it's quite a lot. 

She's not mad, actually, she's rather happy for him, smiling softly, as she clears her throat. "I am glad to meet you again, my dear son, it seems as if you've found yourself someone, is that not?" She says, a sly smile on her face, like she's a fox who caught her prey.

Meanwhile, Lyney jolts from his spot, and he's a blushing mess, not even able to meet her eyes, "Ah- Father, I didn't know you'd be coming today, had I known, I-" 

"Say no more, it's quite alright, I'm not bothered by it, I'm rather happy for you, I think you've talked to me about her before, right? That must be Y/N." And then she turns towards you, a smile gracing her features, "I think we're long overdue a tea party, isn't that right, Y/N?" 

"I- of course it is! I'd be very happy!" 

"Then it shall be arranged, anyway, Lyney, I left you some stuff at the door. I was coming to check up on you, but it seems you're rather busy, so I will take my leave now. I will see you soon", she said. 

Lyney was rather frozen and embarrassed about many things, but this was one hell of a drill. But it got a lot of weight off his chest, and now at least his father knows about the extent of your relationship.

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