You get injured in a battle

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The cityscape sprawled beneath you as you and Bakugou soared through the air, ready to confront the latest villain threatening peace. The exhilaration of being a hero was tinged with a sense of calm, knowing Bakugou was by your side. Your relationship had weathered the storms of hero life, and tonight's mission was no exception.

The villain, a formidable adversary with a penchant for chaos, launched an unexpected attack. Despite your best efforts to evade, a blast caught you off guard, sending you crashing to the ground. Pain seared through your side as you gritted your teeth, trying to assess the damage.

Bakugou, mid-battle, noticed your fall and immediately redirected his focus. "Y/N, damn it! Are you okay?" he shouted, his voice laced with worry.

You struggled to rise, pain radiating from your injured side. "I'm fine, Katsuki. Just a bit shaken."

He shot towards you, unleashing a series of explosive blasts to fend off the villain. "You call this fine, idiot? Stay put, I'll take care of this asshole."

Despite Bakugou's fierce determination, your mind raced with concern for him. As you observed the battle, the villain landed a direct hit on Bakugou, sending him sprawling. Your heart skipped a beat, and ignoring the pain, you pushed yourself back into action.

"Bakugou! I'm not letting you take all the hits," you declared, summoning the strength to stand.

He shot you a glare, a mixture of frustration and concern in his eyes. "Stubborn moron. Just stay back and let me handle this."

But you couldn't stand idly by. Together, you and Bakugou engaged the villain in a fierce showdown. The battle raged on, each explosion and clash of powers creating a chaotic symphony. Despite the odds, your teamwork prevailed, and the villain was apprehended.

As the adrenaline faded, the pain from your injury intensified. Bakugou rushed to your side, his earlier scowl replaced by genuine worry. "You really need to work on your dodging, idiot."

You chuckled weakly, "Yeah, yeah. I'll add it to my hero training regimen."

He carefully examined your injury, his touch surprisingly gentle. "We need to get you to Recovery Girl. Can you walk?"

You nodded, relying on Bakugou's support to stand. Together, you made your way back to U.A., the city lights now a distant backdrop to the more pressing concern of your well-being.

In Recovery Girl's office, Bakugou hovered nearby, his impatience evident. The elderly hero worked her healing quirks, mending your injuries with a reassuring touch. Bakugou, though relieved, couldn't hide the residual tension in his shoulders.

Once you were deemed fit, Bakugou grabbed your hand, his grip tight. "Next time, don't be a damn hero. I don't want to see you get hurt like that again."

You smirked, squeezing his hand in return. "Says the guy who charges headfirst into every fight."

He scowled, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "That's different, and you know it."

The night ended with a subdued return to your apartment. Bakugou, usually brimming with energy, seemed quieter. You sat together on the couch, the city lights outside casting a gentle glow into the room.

"I hate seeing you hurt," Bakugou admitted, his tone uncharacteristically soft.

You reached for his hand, understanding the vulnerability beneath his tough exterior. "I know, Katsuki. But we're heroes. We'll always face challenges. As long as we face them together, we'll be alright."

He sighed, leaning against you. "Stubborn as ever, huh?"

You chuckled, "Would you want me any other way?"

Bakugou smirked, a glint of playfulness in his eyes. "Nope. You're my damn hero, after all."

As the night unfolded, the city lights outside witnessed a moment of shared strength and vulnerability. The battles may continue, but so would the unwavering bond between you and Bakugou.

The soft glow of city lights outside painted a tranquil scene in your apartment. Bakugou, usually a tempest of energy, now sat beside you, a silent understanding passing between you both. The events of the night had left an indelible mark, a reminder of the perils heroes faced.

You traced gentle circles on Bakugou's hand, breaking the quietude. "You know, Katsuki, you're not the only one who hates seeing someone hurt."

His gaze met yours, and for a moment, the tough exterior softened. "I know, damn it. But it's different when it's you."

A small smile tugged at your lips. "It's part of the job, right? We'll always risk getting hurt, but that doesn't mean we're weak."

Bakugou grunted, his hand tightening around yours. "Doesn't mean I have to like it."

You leaned against him, the warmth of the moment enveloping you. "You don't have to like it, but we can't let fear control us. We face these challenges together."

He sighed, a mixture of frustration and acceptance in his expression. "I get it, Y/N. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it."

The two of you sat in companionable silence, the city lights outside casting a soothing glow. The scars of the battle, both physical and emotional, were etched into the fabric of your shared hero journey.

In the days that followed, Bakugou's protectiveness manifested in subtle ways. He'd insist on accompanying you on patrols, his watchful gaze never wavering. The bond between you, forged in the crucible of hero life, strengthened as you faced challenges head-on.

One evening, as you both stood on the balcony, the city lights below twinkling in the night, Bakugou broke the silence. "I hate feeling helpless when you're in danger."

You turned to him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We're heroes, Katsuki. We can't eliminate danger, but we can face it together."

He nodded, a rare vulnerability in his eyes. "I know. Just... promise me you'll be careful."

You smiled, "I promise. And you, promise me you won't go charging into every fight without thinking."

Bakugou grumbled, "Stubborn as always, huh?"

You chuckled, "It's what you love about me, right?"

He smirked, "Yeah, yeah. Now shut up and enjoy the city lights or something."

As you leaned against the railing, the city lights below mirrored the resilience of your relationship. The battles may leave scars, but the love and understanding shared between you and Bakugou illuminated the path forward.

As you both stood on the balcony, the city lights below painting a mesmerizing panorama, Bakugou's grip on your hand tightened. The scars of the recent battle were fading, but the memory lingered, a testament to the challenges you faced as heroes.

Bakugou broke the quietude once again, his voice softer this time. "Y/N, I just... I can't stand the thought of losing you."

You turned to him, sincerity in your gaze. "Katsuki, we can't predict the future, but we can cherish the moments we have. We'll keep each other safe."

He nodded, a silent acknowledgment of the shared commitment. The city lights, though distant, seemed to nod in agreement, casting their timeless glow on a love that had weathered storms.

In the following days, as you continued your hero duties, Bakugou's protectiveness remained unwavering. The battles became a shared endeavor, each victory reinforcing the strength of your partnership. The city lights, once witnesses to trials and tribulations, now framed a narrative of resilience and unwavering love.

One evening, as you both relaxed in the warmth of your apartment, Bakugou spoke up. "Y/N, I might not say it often, but I appreciate you. Your strength, your stubbornness, everything."

You grinned, "Well, I appreciate you too, Katsuki. Your fire, your determination. It's what makes us work."

He smirked, "Guess we're stuck with each other, huh?"

You chuckled, "Seems like it, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

As the night unfolded, the soft glow of city lights outside created a serene ambiance. You and Bakugou, in the midst of hero life's chaos, found solace in the simple joy of being together.

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