Mineta comments on your body

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the city skyline. You and Bakugou enjoyed a quiet evening in your shared apartment, the familiar hum of the city providing a comforting backdrop to your moments together. The day had been filled with hero duties, and now, as you lounged on the couch, the tranquility of your home embraced you both.

Bakugou, though known for his explosive personality, had a softer side that only you got to witness. As you nestled against him, his arm draped around your shoulders, a sense of contentment settled between you.

The peace, however, was interrupted by the unmistakable voice of Mineta, who had unfortunately chosen this moment to make an appearance. The door swung open, and he strolled in with a smug grin, eyeing you with a lecherous glint.

"Well, well, if it isn't Y/N. Looking fine as always," Mineta remarked, his tone oozing with an unwelcome mixture of flirtation and vulgarity.

Bakugou's eyes narrowed, a spark of irritation igniting within him. "What the hell are you doing here, Grape Juice? And keep your damn comments to yourself."

Mineta chuckled, seemingly oblivious to Bakugou's brewing anger. "Just admiring the view, Bakugou. Y/N, you're making it hard for a guy to concentrate on hero work."

You sighed, exchanging an exasperated glance with Bakugou. "Mineta, can't you see we're trying to have a peaceful evening? Keep your comments to yourself, please."

Ignoring your request, Mineta continued, "I mean, Bakugou is one lucky guy, getting to—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Bakugou shot up from the couch, his palms crackling with explosive energy. "That's enough, you perverted grape! Get out before I blast you through the damn wall."

Mineta, realizing he had crossed a line, hastily retreated, muttering apologies as he disappeared from the apartment. Bakugou slammed the door shut behind him, the tension in the room slowly dissipating.

You looked up at Bakugou, appreciating the protective stance he had taken. "Thanks, Katsuki. I don't know why Mineta thinks it's okay to make comments like that."

Bakugou scowled, "Damn pervert. I should've kicked him out sooner. You shouldn't have to deal with that crap."

You leaned against him, grateful for his support. "Well, you took care of it. Now, let's get back to our peaceful evening, minus the unwanted guests."

As the two of you settled back into the quietude of your apartment, the city lights outside continued their timeless dance. Bakugou's arm remained securely around you, a silent promise to shield you from any unwarranted intrusions.

The soft glow of the city lights outside created a serene atmosphere within your apartment. Bakugou's protective arm around you provided a reassuring sense of security, and as the two of you resumed your evening, the disturbance caused by Mineta began to fade away.

Bakugou sighed, the tension gradually leaving his shoulders. "Sorry about that, Y/N. Didn't expect that perverted grape to show up."

You chuckled, appreciating his swift response. "It's not your fault, Katsuki. Some people just don't understand boundaries. Let's not let it ruin our night."

Bakugou nodded, his scowl softening into a small smile. "Yeah, you're right. We're here to enjoy our time together."

As the evening unfolded, you and Bakugou found solace in each other's company. The initial intrusion by Mineta became a distant memory, replaced by shared laughter, gentle touches, and the simple joy of being together.

A while later, Bakugou suggested, "How about we order some food? I'm too lazy to cook, and you deserve a break after dealing with that idiot."

You grinned, "Sounds perfect. I'm in the mood for something tasty."

Bakugou grabbed his phone, scrolling through the options for takeout. As you waited, you couldn't help but marvel at the way he effortlessly shifted from his hero duties to being a caring partner.

While you enjoyed your meal, the conversation flowed naturally, the earlier disturbance now a mere blip in your evening. The city lights outside continued their dance, casting a warm glow on a night that had regained its tranquility.

As the night progressed, you and Bakugou decided to unwind with a movie. Snuggled up on the couch, the earlier events felt like a distant memory. Bakugou's fingers absentmindedly traced patterns on your arm as you both became engrossed in the film.

In the midst of the movie, Bakugou turned to you, a playful glint in his eyes. "Hey, forget about that pervert. You know you're the only one I'm interested in, right?"

You chuckled, appreciating the lighthearted tone. "Of course, Katsuki. I'm not worried about Mineta. You're all the attention I need."

He smirked, "Damn right. Now, let's focus on this movie and enjoy the rest of our night."

The city lights outside continued their gentle glow, seemingly approving of the peace that had settled within your home. With Bakugou by your side, the unwanted intrusion became a minor hiccup in a night filled with shared love and laughter.

The movie played on, creating a cozy ambiance in your apartment. Bakugou's playful smirk and the warmth of his touch provided a reassuring contrast to the earlier disturbance. As the credits rolled, he turned to you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Alright, enough of that serious crap. How about we make this night even better?" Bakugou suggested, a hint of mischief in his voice.

You raised an eyebrow, curious about his idea. "And what do you have in mind, Katsuki?"

He grinned, "I say we have a little competition. Winner gets to choose the next movie. What do you say?"

You laughed, enjoying the sudden change in tone. "A competition, huh? You're on, Bakugou."

And so, the two of you engaged in a friendly competition that involved everything from video games to silly challenges. Laughter echoed through your apartment, drowning out any lingering tension from Mineta's untimely visit.

As the night wore on, the city lights outside continued their gentle dance, seemingly sharing in the joy of your shared moments. The evening, which had started with an unwelcome intrusion, transformed into a testament to the resilience of your relationship.

Eventually, as the two of you settled down, Bakugou turned to you with a genuine smile. "See, nothing ruins our night. We're too damn good together."

You chuckled, leaning in for a sweet kiss. "You're right, Katsuki. Nothing and no one can spoil our time together."

With the city lights still painting a warm glow, you and Bakugou embraced the peace and love that filled your home. The disturbance had become a mere footnote in a night that now held memories of laughter, love, and a shared victory in your friendly competition.

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