He plans a cute date for your birthday but it goes wrong

Written by me and all copyrights reserved

You wake up on your birthday to the sound of your phone buzzing with a text. It's from Bakugou.

"Babe, get ready. I've got a surprise for you. Meet me at the park in an hour. And don't be late," the message reads.

Excitement courses through you as you imagine what Bakugou has in store for your special day. You quickly get dressed in your favorite outfit and head to the park

You arrive at the park, and Bakugou greets you with a grin, presenting the picnic blanket and a wrapped gift. "Happy birthday, dumbass. Open it later," he says, handing you the present.

As you start unwrapping, Bakugou unveils the picnic spread he prepared. However, just as you're about to dig in, you notice something missing. "Uh, Katsuki, where's the dessert? Did you forget?"

He scowls, "No, it's just... the delivery's late. I ordered your favorite cake, but it's not here yet."

Despite the hiccup, you reassure him, "It's okay, Katsuki. We can enjoy everything else first."

Just as you settle down, a guy walks by, eyeing you with a smirk. "Hey there, beautiful. Mind if I join?" he says, completely ignoring Bakugou's intimidating presence.

Bakugou's eyes narrow, and he mutters, "Get lost, extras like you don't belong here."

The guy chuckles and walks away, but Bakugou's irritation lingers. "Stupid extras ruining our date," he grumbles.

After managing to brush off the encounter, you suggest taking a stroll. While crossing the street, a car speeds by, narrowly avoiding a collision. Bakugou pulls you out of harm's way, his heart pounding.

"Watch where you're going, damn it!" he yells at the reckless driver.

You cling to Bakugou, realizing how close you came to danger. He takes a deep breath, his protective instincts in full force. "We're leaving. This date's a disaster," he declares, frustration evident in his voice.

As you walk away from the park, Bakugou's grip on your hand tightens. "I wanted this to be perfect for you, and everything went wrong," he admits, his usual confidence replaced by a hint of vulnerability.

You look up at him, squeezing his hand, "Katsuki, it might not have been perfect, but it's memorable. We faced challenges together, and we're still here. That's what matters."

He huffs, conflicted emotions playing on his face, but eventually nods. "Next year, it's gonna be perfect. No extras, no late deliveries, and definitely no damn near car accidents."

You chuckle, "Looking forward to it, Katsuki. Even the disasters make our story special."

With that, you continue walking, hand in hand, ready to face whatever comes your way.

As you walk away from the park, Bakugou's initial frustration begins to ebb away. He glances at you, his usual fiery demeanor softening. "I just wanted everything to be perfect for you, on your damn birthday," he admits, his voice a bit quieter now.

You smile at him, "Katsuki, it was still a great day. We can laugh about it later, and it'll be a story to remember."

He grumbles, but a small smirk plays on his lips. "Yeah, yeah. Maybe a disaster date isn't the worst thing," he concedes.

As you reach a quieter part of the city, Bakugou spots a small ice cream stand. "Wait here," he says, letting go of your hand briefly. He returns with two cones of your favorite flavors, handing you one with a triumphant grin.

"Emergency dessert. This better make up for the cake," he says, and you can't help but laugh.

"Absolutely. Emergency dessert is always a win," you reply, savoring the sweetness of the ice cream.

As you stroll through the city streets, the night takes on a different charm. The neon lights and distant sounds of the city create a unique backdrop. Bakugou seems to relax a bit, his earlier tension dissipating.

He glances at you, "You know, even with all the crap that happened, being with you is still the best part of the day."

You nudge him playfully, "Smooth talker. Maybe disasters have their perks."

He smirks, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just remember this next year. I'll plan something that'll blow your mind."

The rest of the night unfolds with a surprising ease. You find a cozy café, enjoy some live music, and share stories under the moonlight. It turns out, the imperfect moments of the day have woven themselves into a tale that makes you both laugh.

As the night winds down, you find yourselves back at home. Bakugou surprises you by unveiling the gift he gave earlier. Inside is a custom-made piece of jewelry, a symbol of your enduring connection.

"I might not get everything right, but I always want to give you something that lasts," he admits, a rare vulnerability in his eyes.

You hug him tightly, "Katsuki, it's perfect. Just like our imperfectly perfect day."

And in that moment, you realize that the disasters and challenges only strengthened your bond. You wouldn't trade this memorable birthday for anything.

The next morning, you wake up to the smell of pancakes wafting through the air. Bakugou, wearing an apron and a scowl, stands in the kitchen attempting to flip a pancake. "Happy belated birthday, dumbass," he grumbles, though the corners of his mouth twitch upward.

You chuckle, "Belated, but appreciated. What's all this?"

He gestures to the spread of breakfast, "Thought I'd make up for the disaster yesterday. And no, I didn't order these pancakes; I made them myself."

You raise an eyebrow, teasing, "Trying to prove something?"

He smirks, "Maybe. Eat up before they get cold."

As you enjoy the breakfast he prepared, Bakugou watches you intently. There's a subtle warmth in his gaze, a silent apology for the chaos of the previous day.

After breakfast, he hands you another small gift. It's a photo frame containing a picture he secretly took during your night out. It captures a candid moment where you're both laughing under the city lights.

"Figured we'd need a reminder of the disaster date," he says, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

You laugh, "I love it. It's the perfect memory."

The day unfolds with a sense of ease, devoid of the mishaps that marked yesterday. Bakugou takes you to your favorite spots, and this time, everything goes according to plan. As the sun sets, he brings you to a quiet spot overlooking the city.

"I promised you something mind-blowing, right?" he says, pulling out a small box.

You open it to find a beautifully crafted necklace, complementing the earrings he gave you the night before. "Katsuki, it's stunning," you breathe.

He smirks, "It better be. No disasters today."

As you walk hand in hand, enjoying the warmth of the evening, you can't help but feel grateful for the imperfectly perfect moments that brought you closer. The disasters of yesterday have become cherished memories, and today's thoughtfulness only adds to the depth of your connection.

Later that night, as you lay together, you reflect on the events of the past two days. "You know, Katsuki, I wouldn't change a thing about our birthday celebration. It was unique, memorable, and perfectly us."

He smirks, "Guess disasters aren't all bad."

You chuckle, "Definitely not. As long as I'm with you, every moment is special."

And as you drift off to sleep, you can't help but feel that the imperfectly perfect days have woven a story that's uniquely yours—a tale of love, laughter, and the strength that comes from facing challenges together.

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